Great News! The Creative Coin Community has a New Front End!

As of late I have been happy to see the increased level of activity surrounding Creative Coin (CCC) and the associated community.

These fresh developments are giving me enough confidence that the community will be an ongoing and "alive" project, as a result of which I have been gradually increasing my stake in the Creative Coin token.


The one drawback, however, has been that the old website went offline a while back, and generally seemed to have more downtime than uptime.

Whereas I definitely love the idea of having this arts and creativity based token as part of the Hive ecosystem, I have never been particularly fond of the idea of community tokens that don't have their own attendant front end/website. The reason being that it becomes difficult to tell your voting power in your "focus token" if you're only using Hive.

The good news is that about a week ago a dedicated front end for creative coin has been started up again, all be it with a slightly different name:

You can now find the Creative Coin community front end at!

Things are looking up!

It makes me very happy that the community once again has its own web site, and I’d like to thank witness @igormuba for setting this up and hosting it on his witness servers!

I decided to support his initiative with a witness vote! If you are a supporter of the Creative Coin Community and have an unused witness vote, why not throw it his way?

It makes it much easier to view, support and curate content from inside a personalized domain.

Thanks for stopping by, and if you’re a Creative Coin supporter, why not let people know about the new web site? Or re-blog this post to your feed!


Curator Cat, December 14, 2021


CCC should stand for Cute Cat Community :3

Thank you @mathowl!

At one point, I considered having a "Creative Cat Community," but it would all get a bit confusing, since there's already another CCC community that's not affiliated with the token.

Still, it's fun to think about!


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You received more than 700 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 800 upvotes.

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