The medieval castle of Sadaba

in TravelFeedlast month

Within that true emporium of singularities, both artistic and aesthetic, that characterize a very special Aragonese region, the Five Villages, located between Huesca and Zaragoza, stand out towns, such as Sádaba, which enjoy the privilege of having one of the best medieval castles preserved from the Spanish Historical, Artistic and Cultural Heritage.

A detail that is, however, disconcerting, if we take into account the ruin and desolation that fell on these authentic symbols of feudal power, notably affecting those who ruled over nearby towns, such as Uncastillo and Luesia.

Paradoxically, if in the nearby towns there was Romanesque architecture that left deep traces, with the indisputable presence of a mysterious Master stonemason or a very particular workshop, that of San Juan de la Peña or Agüero, Sadaba, does not keep any trace. of that presence, with the exception of a Gothic church, from the 14th century, whose superb tower reigns over the roofs of the town, rivaling in height with the formidable towers of the 13th century fortress.

This, whose foundations are built on a rocky promontory, stands on a nearby hillock, from whose unique location, you have a beautiful panoramic view of a town, which, despite the influence of modern architecture, still preserves, as is usually the case. traditional in this area, much of the rural architecture and medieval heritage, which characterize the main municipalities of this surprising region.

Historians believe that before the castle that we see today, there was a previous fortress, founded by King Alfonso I the Battler, a monarch who distinguished himself, among other things, by naming as universal heirs, in his will, the Military Orders and especially, the Order of the Temple, a detail that brought many dissidences among the nobles and that resulted in the exchange of other territories and the settlement, in Aragon, of some knights, the Templars, who were beginning to make history in Spain.

Another of the most famous sovereigns who had to do with the population of Sadaba and this spectacular castle, was the Navarrese king Sancho VII, nicknamed the fort, who acted in favor of the inhabitants, against the tyranny of a nobility commanded by Arnaldo de Alascún, also being one of the three kings who were protagonists of the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, which occurred in the year 1212, which defeated the powerful Almohad army, being fundamental for a Reconquer, which, from then on, advanced with a giant step.

Another of the notable heritages of medieval origin that can be seen in front of the castle is that of a perfectly preserved snowfield, a fundamental element where snow was stored and which helped keep food fresh.

In short: a remarkable town and castle, which invite you to a cultural adventure, where History and Legend strongly shake hands and which are the ideal complement to explore and let yourself be carried away by the charm of one of the most notable areas of Aragon: the Five Villages.


NOTICE: Both the text, the accompanying photographs, as well as the video that illustrates it, are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.

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Thanks for taking us along on this trip. Nice pictures!

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Thank you very much for appreciating it and a cordial greeting.

Tengo mucho tiempo despierto, es que me quedé dormido muy temprano, no sufro de insomnio, duermo seis horas, más o menos.
Ayer vi tu publicación, y hoy la leí de nuevo, siempre hermosas e interesantes, mi hermano de Madrid.
Este castillo se ve perfecto, la tan cacareada inteligencia artificial cae derrotada ante estos maestros de la piedra y el Calicanto.
Me sorprendió lo del nevado, esa contrucción en forma de iglú, no sabía que tenían esas genialidades para
conservar los alimentos, una nevera de grande de verdad, no, eran arrechos esos carajos, mi hermano.
No quiero dejar de destacar las fotos de las casas y de la torre de la iglesia, allí si te pasaste, mi hermano.
Espero que tengas un buen día.

Hola, pana. Es uno de los castillos medievales mejor conservados. De hecho, los castillos de los pueblos de alrededor, están básicamente en ruinas, de manera, que se puede decir que éste es especial. Los neveros medievales, solían tener esa forma y todavía sobreviven algunos, como el de Medinaceli, muy parecido a éste o aquel otro, que por su forma parece un enorme huevo de dinosaurio, que está junto al castillo de Olite, en Navarra. Las torres, tanto románicas en algunos casos, como mudéjares, en la gran mayoría en esta zona, siempre destacan y más aquí, que, a diferencia de las grandes ciudades, no tienen rival.

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Can you please tell me what makes Sahara one of the best medieval castles in Spain?

Sahara?. I have not mentioned the Sahara at all. The castle is named after the Spanish town in which it is located: Sádaba.

That was auto correct
I typed Sadaba before
It’s my iPhone😅

Ha ha ha...well, sometimes it happens. Its solidity and state of conservation make it unique.

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