Three-Tune Thursday: 44 Years Ago, Yikes!

in Music2 months ago


As usual, I am being a non-conformist and writing this ‘Three-Tune Tuesday’ on a Thursday. If you have bad eyesight and have lost your glasses and squinting does not work so well then, those 'days' may well read a little similar anyway.

I spend far too much time dicking around on YouTube. The amount of information on there is staggering, in the forms of pure music videos, rockumentaries, interviews, histories of feuding bands and then there are those reaction clips, most of which are pure bullshit.

Having been freed from the shackles of ‘Alternative Weekend’, I find myself with a huge library of tunes I have never written about or formed any type of public opinion. These vary enormously in genres, and I find it amusing that I can shock people such as @bozz with my varied and unpredictable taste.

While I don’t always respond to other ‘Three-Tune Tuesday’ posts, I occasionally find something I like, so I would implore people to keep contributing to this theme, it’s a good one.


The Jam – The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had to Swallow) (Snap – 1982)


While searching for what album this came from, I was surprised it was released purely as a single and didn't appear on The Jam's regular albums until the Greatest Hits compilation, 'Snap' was released a year after the band dissolved.

I was never a great fan of “The Jam”, viewing them as post-punks, turned mods who seemed angry and shouted down their microphones with songs lacking any groove or harmony. Yet they were incredibly popular, especially close to the end of their career scoring several chart toppers.

Then ‘The Bitterest Pill’ entered the scene with its harmonizing strings, and what’s that…, a female backing vocal? Gone was the yelling, and I was listening to a sound resembling 'decent' in my mind.

Little did I know the band would soon be history after ‘A Town Called Malice’ which was more of a throwback to that shouty stuff again but had a seed been sown?

Paul Weller would form, ‘The Style Council’, a band I have mixed feelings about, but this material sounded more like ‘The Bitterest Pill’ and a lot less like ‘Eton Rifles’, with its jazz fusion and a solid female backing singer, this time as a permanent fixture.


Garbage – Trip My Wire (Garbage – 1995)


In my quest to find how Shirley Manson entered the music scene, I have been listening to interviews, watching live shows, and thoroughly wasting my time on YouTube.

Having found the 1996 live show where Shirley performs all the way through braless, I had achieved my goal.

A sad state of affairs you might say, but this live performance was on a bootleg VHS tape I acquired from Affleck’s Palace in Manchester, along with a bootleg CD of the band that was silver in 1996.

… and I thought all bootlegs were gold-coloured disks?

As both of my bootlegs were from 1996, they only feature songs from their debut (and best) album. One such song on both video and CD was ‘Trip My Wire’ which does not appear on the standard ‘Garbage’ CD.

That is unless you buy the special edition, deluxe version, expensive money-making edition, whatever that turned up years later. I homed in on this ‘B-Side’ noting the customary aggressive anger emanating from Ms Manson, the feature that made her stand out and be noticed.

“I’m a bitch, and you’re a liar”, she tells us while strutting around the stage. I was immersed when I saw this performance then, and still am.


Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – Messages (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – 1980)


The oldest of today's trio of non-recent songs brings me to this one from the early synthesizer era emerging from the UK and is 44 years old. By the time I had noticed OMD, this song had come and gone without me noticing as it was more of a minor hit for the band.

‘Enola Gay’ got my attention, and I then started looking into their back catalogue of singles, as I wasn’t an album type of bloke then. Working for Kwiksave, those were limited to the great bands in my eyes such as Genesis and whatever I could find in those ‘cheap’ record shops that no longer exist.

The video shows its age with a young Andy McClusky dancing around erratically in a similar fashion to the late Ian Curtis (Joy Division), except Andy is still in our world and touring.

An ex-friend of mine claimed to have been an early founding member of OMD, but having checked up thoroughly I can't see any mention of his name. Must have been an attention-seeking liar is all I can think of.

I haven't seen him in years and it's unlikely we will ever cross tracks again.


That’s it for today, your dose of Three-Tune Thursday songs. Until next week, or when I can be arsed again, adios.


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Three-Tune Tuesday logo was created by AI. Feel free to use it in your own 'Three-Tune Tuesday' posts.


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As you said

I was never a great fan of “The Jam”, that goes for me too. But, one vinegar song sticks in my mind the most.

I didn't follow Garbage much either, but this song suits me.

OMD was still quite interesting to me, first-rate synth-pop/new wave, I had it on the lager for my #ttt post, but now I'll move it back a bit, for later. 😀
Thanks for sharing! 👍

'That's Entertainment'. I remember it, and it was one of those weird import only singles, meaning if you got it, your copy was French or from some other Euro company. My mind is packed with useless information like this.

Throw away garbage from your mind! 😜

I was just listening to some Garbage today. I also dig me some OMD. We only got exposed to the one song over here, but I like their sound, so I am sure the other stuff is obviously good.

We only got exposed to the one song over here

I could write a whole post about this subject. Before the internet, do you know how hard it was to hear songs from the other side of the pond?

Shortwave radio? I used to have one! :) I never used it too much though!

Very nice tunes, the OMD tune sounds like Enola Gay too, but with different lyrics! I really liked Garbage back in the day, stupid girl was my fav tune. I wasn't really an album type of guy back then either, they were too expensive for a working class lad like me who spent all his wages on drink, drugs and saved money by not answering the door to the tv licensing man.

the OMD tune sounds like Enola Gay too, but with different lyrics!

I loved OMD until after Maid of Orleans and they changed direction to one I wasn't into!

Garbage, the first album, that is great, well most of it. Again I lost interest after Version 2. They lost that hard gritty edge that made them stand out. James Bond does that to a Shirley.

saved money by not answering the door to the tv licensing man.

This stinks of living in the UK?

you are right, it takes a lot to get into Maid of Orleans. I do wonder how they came up with that, after Enola Gay !

Yeah, they were gritty and edgy to start with, it was their main appeal.

I was in the UK back then, living in a council flat. We cant avoid the tv license so easily here in Germany. You have real freedom there! LOL

We cant avoid the tv license so easily here in Germany.

Don't tell me that bullshit is in Germany too? I don't pay it now, as I only watch Netflix.

Ridiculous idea.., run if you see one.., its got alien technology inside brought back from the future.


Good job! I remember they tried make you think they could detect if you had a TV in your house 😅 Love those stuck on plastic things to the van!

Love those stuck on plastic things to the van!

Touch those with your bare hands and you turn to vapour, its that advanced!

At least you got in on the Thursday to keep the 3 T's 😀

I always had a soft spot for the early jam stuff. I think that's cos my brother played them non stop!

Did it the wrong way around this week Boomy, but this is HIVE and anything goes, don't you just love it!

That early Jam was fast-paced and with suits and ties. It's a wonder they didn't haemorrhage under the strain!

Any jive on Hive!

Lol, the suits and ties shit made me cringe. I just remember the guitar and trying (and failing) to recreate that jagged overdriven sound. It turns out I was both shit and had shit gear. Who knew that could matter!

It turns out I was both shit and had shit gear.

Haha, yeah it matters!

...unless youre Ed Sheeran...

Bleh.., not a fan.

Only remember the last number here, others all totally out of my league! Shit is that showing the age thingy?

Haha, only the oldest one?

Goodnuf excuse, sons...., then heard their sound later! Simpsons onto Marilyn Manson 🙃

Between you and Bozz I feel like I never know the music you guys post. I can confidently say I have never heard these songs. Thanks for sharing.

Maybe you're not old enough?

Yeah this is most likely the case!


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Good to see that you jumped on three tune Tuesday on Thursday
I love the tunes. They sound nice

As usual, I am being a non-conformist and writing this ‘Three-Tune Tuesday’ on a Thursday. If you have bad eyesight and have lost your glasses and squinting does not work so well then, those 'days' may well read a little similar anyway.

eerm... didn't you know I am the only non-conformist around here allowed to share and publish his "Three Tunes Tuesday" on Thursdays or any other day but Tuesdays?
