A Lot Going On in This One

in Photography Lovers9 months ago

Bet you'll never guess where this one's going.

Fiery forestry - Pretty plants - Venomous vegetation - Heated hands - Sublime Sunday - Buzzing things - Spotty sun rays - Towering trees.

They were everywhere.


Deceiving little plant. All bright and perky, green and purple, dressed to impress and sexy to infect. She's always sexy though.

Especially on Halloween.

Helluva embrace. Every branch and leaf and vine she's got; strangling the life outta that tree like an anaconda. The whole floor too.


Not that one, this one:


Can hardly see the difference like knock-off Air Jordan's until you put a foot in it. Or any other extremity. Do that twice and you'll pay closer attention. Or when the leash is trailing Daddy's G and you never saw it touch anything but when you pick it up your knuckle, pinky nail on the other hand, a spot on your palm and two more on your wrist sting like penetrating molten needles.


Blends nicely, Poison Ivy.


"Leaf of three, leave it be is a good rule of thumb" said the tree guy who came out to estimate a giant oak tree removal out back who, by the way, was 50% more expensive than the other two. Free knowledge though.

That was nice.


Sir Francis Buller coined it—rule of thumb.

An 18th century English judge who said "a man may beat his wife with a stick no wider than his thumb." Him. Add a couple of open sourced platforms over the course of a couple of centuries, however, the internet and all the twats who've never written a positive review in their life and the story changes.

Gets confusing.


Impatiens capensis (jewelweed), the anti venom.

They grow low to the ground where there's lots of sunlight. They need all the sunlight a day can provide. Where poison ivy is, so too is impatiens capensis. Somewhere. I've never seen it anywhere else. Not easy to find though. They're distanced at least a half mile from one to the next and never in bulk. Impatiens capensis doesn't do groups.

The juice from the leaves and stems relieves skin irritation and rash caused by poison ivy.

And athletes foot.


Or, just let her be a dog. Works for me. She refuses to stay behind me anyway. Their senses are sharper than any Wikipedia link. If she walks in it or eats it or even sniffs it, it's safe. She steers clear of the plants that hurt, goes right around them.

So do I.


Safe - Unsafe - Safe - Safe - Anti venom.






Safe - Unsafe - Walk on water - Anti venom.






The absolute worst case of poison ivy I've ever had came from snuggling on a puppy who had (unbeknownst to me) been rolling around in a patch. I was 15, wearing a bikini top after going to the water park with a friend. From neck to waist and all down my arms, I was covered in it. Had to go to the doc to get a shot of steroids and he was even horrified.

Doesn't do anything to the dog, of course. 😆 DKS laughs at me for my fear of leafy stuff in the woods, but until you've experienced a solid quarter of your body being covered in an oozy, itchy rash you just don't understand.

Helluva description. Takes effort to ruin a bikini story.

Whaddup, you? You guys coming this way?

She doesn't really need the leash anymore. Now if it's on, it's out of courtesy or maybe there's other dogs around. She's all growed up. When we were working on getting to this stage, I'd let it drag behind her. Sometimes I'd pick that thing up and get all kinds of lit up on my hands.

Definitely the worst bikini story in my repertoire. 😆

Speaking of hands, how's the recovery coming?

I'm off to a girls' trip tomorrow, then DKS and I will be in Hendersonville, NC for a half marathon the weekend of October 7-8. More walking than running probably given I haven't been able to run in a month and a half, but should be a nice time to head north. I forget exactly where abouts you guys are now?

I kinda did that intentionally. Thank you, it must be working. Says we're only a couple hours from where you're going.

What route you going? Sounds like your schedule's kinda busy.

I had a nice reprieve during surgery recovery, now things will definitely start picking up again for the rest of the year.

For that trip besides the half I really didn't plan anything yet. We'll head up Friday afternoon, through South Carolina then up to Hendersonville. I've never really been there, so we'll figure out some spots to explore. The nice thing about doing the race for fun is that I don't have to worry about conserving energy the day before like I normally would.

After the race on Sunday I think they have some kind of festival and we're staying at the Airbnb until Monday, so we'll have some more time to chill out Sunday, as well. So busy, but not too crazy packed if you guys are looking for a little road trip and want to meet us...

First a bikini fail and now this, threaten me with a good time. Ima have my people get with you. <3

Lmao.. must be such an adventure taking that beautiful pup out! The branch stood no chance. Energy overload haha.

Good morning, ma3atro. Happy Labor Day. It's a holiday here in the states today called Labor Day where the country doesn't work in support of Labor. Real festive day; lakes, bbq's, concerts. Everyone except for the greedy ass bastages who never have enough.

It really is. She makes a trip to the post office enjoyable. = }

Thank you.

Sorry for misspLeLing @ma3str0. I even saw it, too, totally thought I fixed it. My bad.

Broadleaf plantain. That's a good one to counter poison ivy with. Has many other uses as well.

Nice. I like things that aren't useless. Says that one's good for fever and respiratory infections too.

Yeah. I'm a huge fan of useful things. Mainly because they have uses. And sometimes they're just nice to look at. I just noticed how useful my eyes are. Have you ever done that?

Can't say I have. I just tried again, negative. This whole time and not once have I considered eyes other than my own.

Sometimes I'll use my eyes to notice things. Like the similarities between something like that album cover and this, which is something that came before. Notice how we're still somehow talking about plants?

Hard to miss this after that. I do a lot of talking with them, too. Mostly just when they're open though if you know what I'm saying.

Paying attention prevents itch from occurring. That's my takeaway.

Also noticed I did the rhymes and hazmat suit combo, first.

But for some strange reason Eminem got more views. I bet that too has something to do with eyes.

What a relaxing place 💯

Say what, I must've fallen asleep.

So relaxing and beautiful, nature!! I just want to swap places with that dog on the water😌

Go ahead, it's all virtual. You can do whatever you want here. Even order take-out if you want. <3 Happy Sunday.

Happy Sunday 💙

I have heard a lot of this poison ivy, in school though.
About impatiens capensis is it used to cause athletes' foot? because I know athlete's foot is more like a disease caused by fungi.
I find this educative. Thank you so much.

My pleasure. I wasn't aware it cured athletes foot as well as poison ivy irritation until I put this together. Hopefully I never have to put it to use!

Thank you.

Well, we learn every day.
You are welcome

Like those darker green colors in some of them!

Much thanks. One thing this part of the states doesn't lack in the summer is green. Comes and goes quickly too cuz we're in the foothills. Clouds, clear, haze, rain, clear again.

They say if you don't like the weather, close your eyes and count to 10. = }

Jeez! I would have to count to a billion, you are all too familiar with the British weather!!! 🤣

And all the traditional English cuisine too like curry and pizza. = }

That's not fair double D! We also make a pretty decent.... 💂‍♂️ 🎩Oh wait no, that's Chinese... We do make an amazing, well no, not amazing, but passable...🤢 No they are actually gross... But there is the... uhhmmm...

Oh I got it... I got it!

Our National dish!!!

And of course, who could forget?

Delicacies to tempt any palate I am sure you will agree!

L o L

Don't say that National delicacy in a smoke shop, they'll threaten to refuse you service. Still not sure if it was glass piece or not, really sent everyone for a loop. I said it again, glass piece, is it cuz I said 'glass piece?' Dayum! What a shit show that was.

Pura's grabbing my arm like c'mon, let's go to another one. We left. Still, neither one of us are sure what in the hell I said that prompted a speech about yata yata bla bla.

I had fun reading your post, it's like reading a tongue twister riddle... Haha.
You have a gift of words my friend and very witty too!! I must say! Cheers!🥂🥂😍

First thing I read this morning. What a way to start my day, thank you. If you're gonna be like that, feel free to stop by tomorrow and all the days after that. = }

Hello. Thanks for finding me. Pleasure to be met.

Oh wow! The pleasure is all mine my new hive friend☺️😍 you are so witty I love how you compose your posts.☺️🥰

Someone pinch me. The Luckiest Guy I Know strikes again.

Good morning.

I'm really glad you think so. I've never done anything like this before and, here I am, on a real life platform with real life people who know wtf they're doing. When I say really, I mean that virtual pressure on your cheek was me.

Super hubby looks positively uninterested in the camera in that first image of him.

pinches @dandays

careful what you wish for.........

Ow, all you had to say was pass it, jeez.

Pass It, jeez

Your wish is my command

Haha, as they say there is always a first time for everything. Meeting a lot of virtual friends is really fun. This is like the penpal days back in the 70's 80's with the snail mail.... Haha
Good thing to es has changed a lot.

On the first pic, he was smiling so hard because I was teasing my super hubby about his new haircut. You know telling him how handsome he is with the new cut and the new barber because the old one I hang already! Haha, joke joke, lol!😅😂

Dogs and animals in general know a lot of things… instinctively.
Follow them closely and you so know.
Wow she cuts off the little tree in one go hahaha 🤣
Have a wonderful new week @dandays 👋🏻😊

You're the best, littlebee, thank you. Yeah they do.

I'm so prouda her. That last image is from video clips I've been recording of her bite training. It's never boring anymore. She is not repeat not slowing down.

You are welcome 😉

I can imagine… I would be too. She grown up so fast. And she’s so beautiful…
Awesome. You dodn’t want boring, it keeps your self active too hahaha 🤣

Some of those sexy, green, 'temptressy', varmints were approaching 'tree monster' status as the P lady may describe them.

Bet ya can't walk on water I challenged the quadruped;

Atlas shrugged! 🤦‍♂️

Hey double D... It's not like you always make a whole lotta sense, why should I???

Hey I resemble that remark!

Not sure how to say I understood everything you said without being senseless...

How in the heck are you Steve? I see all of your progress, life choices and all that. Congratulations. Don't mean to get all foo foo on you but I got that message about you're glad we got to hang out and that stuff you said.

Absolutely. Don't tell anyone I told you or I'll deny it til the end but that meet-up is one of my hi-lights from living in England.

Sadly, the progress was reversed and then some!

All thanks to me making an incredibly health promoting, beneficial change in April that screwed me over 'BIG TIME!!!'

I am gonna write a post about it either tonight or tomorrow, so I don't want to give any spoilers...

Onward and upward though. I am dealing with a mass of stuff right now, doing all the right things but need to turn a couple of health situations around before I can progress fully, but, WILL be heading in the right direction again very, very soon.

Those are tough dude. I don't know how many years it's been since I've smoked, at least 10 and there still isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about a nasty ass, stinky, finger staining cheap ass cigar that packs a head rush so powerful I gotta sit down like woah!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@eii(3/5) tipped @dandays

Tnx for unfollow

I didn't unfollow you. I don't know you. I can't unfollow someone I've never followed.

Yr wlcm.

Bat Shit Crazy..?

Why u unfollow me bro..?

Wave Media

Is that even a word, unfollow?

Hey, you wanna follow me to the store?

Nah, I got company on their way over, ima have to unfollow you this time.


Just a click away from "unfriended."

I doubt No, officer, I wasn't following too closely, I was unfollowing every one else will get you out of a ticket.

I was following you "too closely"

I backed off a bit... "Loosely Following" you now. You are dealing with enough shit, without mine piling on. 👍

Wave Media

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