spring fake out

in Photography Lovers26 days ago (edited)

those who have experienced the changing of the seasons from winter to spring know that it's a capricious affair. each year here in the far north as the days grow longer the temperature rises.

but it doesn't increase in a straight line. it's a bit like the price of bitcoin. suddenly shooting up only to dive excruciatingly fast though not as low as previously.

plants have adapted to deal with these sudden changes but still if the temperature drop is too extreme they can get the timing wrong. after a warm spell some trees take the risk of sprouting new leaves early.

this survival strategy can pay off some years but not all.

this spring a warm period in April was followed by freezing cold and heavy snow

so while the trees that waited until May to sprout are now quickly greening, the trees that were early suffered a setback and their newly formed leaves are already brown

it is still possible to get freezing weather here in May but that is much rarer than April.

so while the forest is a turning a delighful light green, in between there are scattered branches of young trees with brown leaves

these trees are still alive and will produce new leaves soon enough.

i didn't see brown leaves on the mature trees

so perhaps this is a learning process and in the future the young ones will not be so early.


I like how you make a comparison of the weather and the Bitcoin. Nice choice. 😁

don't buy bitcoin during a surge. It might pay off but it is not worth the risk.

Thank you for the suggestion. But, I don't have the interest of Bitcoin as of this moment,

Hello @eolianpariah2
You are very right, the same thing happens in my city, now we are technically in Autumn, but the hot days continue.
I loved your bitcoin metaphor. I hope the hot days arrive soon and you enjoy spring a lot.

Plants are those things that get affected by weather a lot and I love the comparison of plants and BTC