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RE: On Top Of The World

in Photography Lovers2 months ago

It is usually said that Hungarian and Finnish are linguistically siblings...

Yes, that is right! These are both Uralic languages.

Incidentally, Icelanders are a lovely people, they are warm!

Now this comes as a surprise as Scandinavians are known as cold people, meaning not very friendly, talkative and so on. Because Iceland is close, I'd think they are the same, but good to know they are lovely and warm people.


I was not born in Sweden, but I have been here since childhood. I am now 68 years old. Born in Ljubljana in 1956. Cool Swedes, yes, they exist, but most people are just shy, maybe a little difficult to get into life. A lot has happened lately, we have been inwarded by half the people of the earth, who may have opened up a little!