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RE: Wildlife At The Museum

Perhaps those who do not visit museums will be helped and motivated by this type of publication.

It can happen easily. There are a few people on Hive who started going to exhibition after reading my posts and I couldn't be more happier. It's a cool thing to motivate others.

And about vampires... I mean bats, what can I tell you? They transmit diseases, and there's the Dracula thing, you know.

Lol, when I was writing my post, remembered that at first, when Covid broke out, they said Chinese ate bats and that's how Covid started to spread, but I didn't want to bring up the subject again.

Yes, there's the Dracula thing as well :)


No, let's not bring it up.... 😁 By the way, there are some strange foods in the world.

Hey, how's the sugar thing going?

And you didn't say anything to me about what I pointed out about #5.... LOL

Sugar challenge is going well, it's easier than one would think, at least for me 🙂

Yeah, those are looking down on you, but I don't really mind. Would you mind? 😂

Good job for standing your ground.

Would you mind? 😂

Nah! LOL.