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RE: Moulin Rouge & Can-Can

Awwww... Exquisite thematic and a very particular and interesting type of art to see. As always, an excellent report...

By the way, an irreverently anecdote but relatively fun: "Last week a friend of my mother's had his birthday and my mother made a video call to congratulate him and as a joke my mother said: "Antonio, I'm sorry you had your birthday on the same day that the Moulin Rouge lost its blades" and Antonio almost without thinking replied: "Yes, first Notre Dame burns, now this"... My mother cut off the video call due the Antonios' audacity of mixing Notre Dame and a "cabaret" in the same sentence" :)... Poor Antonio has been calling my mother, me and my sisters to apologise and for us to act as diplomats!.... We've told him to wait a couple of weeks until my mother's astonishment wears off a bit! :))... Antonio is an excellent friend, painter, chronicler, writes and is a professor (retired) of Latin at the state university... But it's not the first time that he forgets how zealous my mother is in religious matters!... :)

Thank you always for sharing your work with us @erikah friend!

!discovery 40


Lol, what a story!!! 🤣 I ca imagine you mom's shocked face when hearing what Antonio said. You can't really mention the two on the same day, unless you're talking about tourist attractions. The two are the exact opposite. 😆

Thanks for sharing this story with me and have an amazing day!

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