A Place of Angels

in Photography Lovers16 days ago (edited)

The Hillcrest Aids Centre is called the Place of Angels, bringing hope to the hopeless.

We'd always driven past this special place on many occasions, on our way to visit family and friends, but never stopped there. It is very popular with tourist as well, as much of their work is exported to other countries, talk about small beginnings!

So, when my friend Josh called to say not ask we were going out, I was tasked with finding a place we'd both not been to. I was only too happy to go on a jaunt with my bestie!

We both agreed to go and see for ourselves why everyone's voices change, almost into a whisper, when they speak of the Hillcrest Aids Centre as the Place of Angels.

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The project started way back in 2003 in a shipping container in the grounds of the Hillcrest Methodist Church. Everyone who is familiar with Methodists will also know that they are known for their mission work. My parents, as well as hubby and I, were involved with projects in our relevant branches, but 'faded' as we got older.

With the help of a registered nurse, and only a small team of volunteers initially, they offered HIV testing, counselling, gave medication, education, food parcels, and supported the homecare volunteers. They naturally still do all of these, but their outreach program has grown into something way beyond anyone's expectations.

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Their craft project, Woza Moya ("come Holy Spirit" or 'Come Change") led by Paula Thompson, was started to help those with HIV Aids earn an income and find dignity again.

Their crafts range from fabric painting to turning recycled material into works of art, but their beaded work is what got them on the map. Their Little Traveller dolls come with a passport so their new owner can record wherever they travel.

Woza Moya started getting big orders for hand-painted fabric bags, and then a massive order for beaded AIDS ribbons. The Little Travellers took off, but their biggest project was still to come; a giant beaded map of Africa at the Moses Mabhida Stadium, where the 2010 Football World Cup was hosted.

Naturally, all these projects offered an income to more and more crafters, who were determined to complete each project on time, despite some of them feeling ill.


Woza Moya gives them hope for the future.

Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust now has its own premises, in the heart of Hillcrest, with a Respite Unit, Othandweni, or "Place of Love," that provides exceptional hospice care.

The vibe is tangible from the moment you step into the centre, where I spent a good couple of hours. Josh and I had breakfast with the very best cappuccino and then started exploring. They sell preloved goods as well as the most amazing, colourful craftwork.

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A gal always needs to know where the loos are, a beaded loo sign!


My friend had an appointment after lunch, and I walked around chatting to the crafters but still did not get to see everything, so I will have to go back!

A couple of learners from a local school were to do their practicals, helping out wherever they could. I was fascinated with the beaded fish that was being completed for an art exhibition. Beaded squares in beautiful colours are glued onto the fish 'carcass'.
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These beaded pieces are ready to be turned into another work of art.

I will only have time to share the beaded work with you, not all of it mind you, or my blog may end up looking like a photo dump, but their work is just too beautiful not to share!

Pretty colourful beaded mugs and coasters.




Always a busy bee or two in the Hive!
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Mother's Day was just around the corner, something unique for Mom

Proteas, a lamp, and necklaces
Beaded Dancing Shoes for Mom?

A placemat perhaps?

Small and big beaded people in traditional gear.



Not forgetting the farm animals, and some wildlife as well





We left this vibey place of hope, we were full of admiration and realizing once again that many angels are walking among us!

A Place of Angels indeed!

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Artwork by @artywink


Very nice work and a lot of patience. Everything there is beautiful. Including the idea of the project. I know you will come back and share with us your experiences. Best regards my friend.🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️

I could have spent all day there, watching the crafters at work, and browsing; their little shop is crammed full of beautiful artwork!
Thank you for your support @mamani, always great seeing you my friend <3

Awww, dear @lizelle, I love this place! I would spend hours in there, just looking at the things they have and taking inspiration from them, not that I have much time to create anything these days. Absolutely fantastic! 🤗

I'm in the same boat @erikah, time is that precious commodity that cannot be bought, right? Big sigh...but I do enjoy the work that I do post-retirement.
The crafters and the people who work there are such an inspiration, and truly humbling! I could have spent the entire day there and still not have seen everything.

Wonderful writeup

Beading artwork is something done so well in vibrant colours each is exquisite. Glad you stopped in along the road to share, I have heard much about this outreach program, never realized how dynamically they have brought crafts to the people offering them hope in the future.