New advances in the matter-antimatter asymmetry.

in StemSocial17 days ago

New advances in the matter-antimatter asymmetry.

CERN researchers used a cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence algorithm to discover unprecedented evidence of matter-antimatter asymmetry, thanks to AI they were able to overcome the limitations of the particle detector as stated in a press release from the organization.

In particle physics, charge parity symmetry suggests that for every matter particle there should be a corresponding antimatter particle with opposite properties, like a mirror reflecting an inverted image.

Scientists believe that during the supposed Big Bang that would have occurred 13,000 million years ago, matter and antimatter were generated in equal quantities, however, over time the CP symmetry was not maintained, resulting in a predominance of matter over antimatter at big scale.

Physicists tried to explain this discrepancy with the standard model but their explanations were insufficient, which motivated new research into this asymmetry. At the LHC, CERN's Large Hadron Collider, scientists observed mesons, subatomic particles composed of an equal number of quarks. . and antiquarks that transform into anti mesons and vice versa.

To investigate whether the process of transformation of a Meson into antimonies differs from that caused by the reverse transformation, scientists needed to precisely identify the mesons and antimonies at the LHC and to do so they used a technique called “flavor” labeling that was facilitated by a advanced AI algorithm, the algorithm processed 500,000 decays of the Strange Beauty Meson into a pair of charged muons and canons.

A Strange Beauty Meson is composed of a strange quark and a bottom antiquark, while a muon is a particle similar to an electron, but heavier and a cannon is another type of Meson, I know that when you hear these words everything sounds like Chinese , true!, but in the explanation everything will fit or maybe not.


The important thing is that the AI used a graph neural network to perform precise “flavor” labeling, analyzing information from the particles neighboring the Inn of Strange Beauty and those produced by it, the data from the 500,000 decays was combined with that of the run one of the LHC, the results revealed a lack of conformity with the CP symmetry indicating a violation of this symmetry in the decay of the Strange Beauty Meson, in addition, the results were consistent with the data obtained in other CERN experiments such as Atlas and LHCB and reached statistical significance reaching the three Sigma limit used by two researchers.

This is the first evidence of ACP violation in the decay of the Inn of Strange Beauty. As highlighted in the press release, the findings of the study offer fundamental insights with significant applications paving the way for further exploration in extending the methodology to various noise sources and quantum protocols and the details were published in the journal Science Advances whose link is at the end of the publication if you want to make your day more complicated. Thank you very much for coming this far, it seems that you are interested in science.

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