Found a Wounded Bird and Named it Birdigulan

in Hive Pets29 days ago

On my way home from vacation, I stopped the taxi after seeing a bird flying like a drunk then taking a nose dive for the street canal. This is how I ended up having a temporary pet bird.


I named it Birdigulan because our first encounter made a significant impression. While trying to save it from getting drowned in the street canal, it bit me in panic like it was fighting for its life. We have a lot of cats and dogs. Some were already 2nd to 3rd generation from the previous adopted strays because my aunt likes it.

And after getting it to safety settling at the comforts of my home, the fucker flew into a group of cats waiting to chow it.

This bird had a broken left leg but it was flapping it's wings trying to look big and frantically starting something. It didn't mind looking at the cats which looked back at it like some piece of meat. The cats took a dive on it and I wrestled the bird. It got it's left eye bleeding from a minor scratch and probably made it's leg worse from the tussle.

This is when Birdigulan had a change of heart. It didn't bite me back like it did before and I assumed this was probably hatched from already domesticated parents seeing how it was chill with prolonged human contact. I saw the wings and it had clean cut feathers which explains why it sucked at flying.

It was showing signs of stress and weakness. I heard that lovebirds would unalive themselves if they got stressed or lost a partner. Birdigulan may have escaped from its cage during transport or from someone else's home.

It was weak and reminds me of a patient practicing how to die. But at least it was a fighter, the fucker still bites me and still eats. I took it outside and have it feel some gust of wind on its feathers. It let out a chirp in response to the chirps of the birds from a far. Probably did some good for its mental health.


It readied its wings to fly and I thought to myself, it it escapes high up, that'd be great but if it takes a nosedive again, there are cats lurking nearby just waiting. It's cute but I don't want it around long and just hoping it heals fast.

I don't intend on keeping it as a pet for long. I hope it heals fast and make itself capable of flying again soon. But if its left leg remains nonfunctional and flies like a drunk from clipped wings, I'll ask some friends if they're interested in taking care of it. It has no future in my home since it's just going to be lonely and get stressed from my cats.

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!discovery 35

Thank you1

You found a random budgie!

I learned something new. We just call these locally as love birds.

Lovebirds may seem similar but different. They and budgies are different genuses.

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Aww.. that's sweet of you to rescue the poor bird. As far as I know though (and I think you already know this too), love birds need a partner... Thus not only you need someone to take good care of it, but also find a partner for it...

and this is how I imagine your cats are... hehehe

It's so pretty, it sad it got injured, but lucky for Birdie you found him. But I'm not sure if Birdie feel the same way after seeing all the cat who sees it as a yummy treat, lol. Hope it gets better soon so it can finally fly again and maybe find a better home for without cats lurking around 😆

Just waiting for it to heal up and fly away. I don't plan on keeping it as a pet~

Take him to the vet, he could be in need of help...I once found one with without a patica and he passed away...😔

Not really looking to spend more on this stray. At the moment, it just looks fine and as active as any bird except for the leg. I want to let this thing go as soon as it starts to show signs that it can fly longer or hand it to a friend that takes care of birds.

Ikaw ba nag heal sa kanya? Cute naman ni birdigulan.

Minasahe ko lang ng konti tapos minahal na ako. thanks ako rin.

Basta d ako yan 😇 si birdigulan yan

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Kainis haha

Yung dami kong sinulat pero yung last line lang pinansin, nagbasa kaba talaga? salamat Kuya Oli.

Binasa ko pero mas tumatak sa akin na Ted Talks pala ang post mo. Wag ka nga, deserve mo ang masaktan.

But how do you think the left leg that got broken can get healed?
Since it is of a bird, is it possible to make it straight again!

I'm not even sure if it's left leg was broken recently or it's already broken and healed the wrong way when I found it. It doesn't seem to react like its in pain when I manipulate the leg but it's contorted in some way. I'd just wait and see if it'll eventually correct itself. The bird can still walk around on one leg and it seem like a minor inconvenience for now.

Its cuteee 🥰

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BIRDIGULAN. Ang kulit ng name ah HAHAHAHAHA

Yeah, much better to give it to your friends when it is healed. I don't think the cats lurking around will have a good impact in its mental health even if it chirps back to other other birds around. 😆

👍 !PGM

That's right, I myself am very fond of such birds and every time we visit them, we get to learn something new.