Aaannnnnd ACTION!

in Hive Pets7 months ago (edited)

When you're the proud owner of The Blocks naturally photogenic, cutest ever, most adorable dog EVER who doesn't have to do a got dang thing like sleep in order to unequivocally enthrall audience attention, you find yourself creatively crouched in awkward positions more often than not in search of a shot no one's seen yet.

Anyone can turn the flash on their phone at 2am as not to disturb the baby in the middle of her precious little baby sleep with her big huge giant German Shepherd Dog head under her cot and feet propped ᵘᵖ on the wall.


Anyone Can Do That

Action shots, however, not so much. Gotta be directly in the line of fire for those, hashtag Finesse, willing to take one for the team. If your 2016 device requires you to be on top of the action due to a shitty 3x zoom, busted screen and a shutter with a mind of its own, be prepared to know what it feels like to protect home plate.

ʀᴜɴɴᴇʀ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟꜱ ᴛʜɪʀᴅ! ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴛᴄʜ!!!

Just in time for the out when suddenly your peripheral registers an 80 pound GSD coming at you in full speed who thinks home plate's a brand new frisbee. Like welding, you only get one shot. Get ready to take it on the chin.


No Really I Swear it's Just Sand

Still haven't figured out what to call this next one
There's a river in it
Autumn leaves
Red yellow pink and purple trees
Every once in awhile a passing boat
Blue skies
High of 75
Atlas with a piece of driftwood she found in the river in her mouth
I'll figure something out


Next isn't really an action shot. Nor does it qualify for photobomb or there'd be something other than canine's in it. Teeth, though, all up in your face like that and a title with ACTION! in it flow seamlessly like pick up lines and liquor.



I put up a version of this next one a couple months ago. In that photo, her eyes were really weird and half out of her head so I used it as a reference for disbelief but it was one of those based on actual events type photos whereas what you're about to witness for the very first time is the actual event in original form.


No One's Listening To You Anyway

These next two aren't quite as actiony but post worthy nonetheless so I made them small like this. To our right is: In A Race Against A Shadow. They just rounded turn 4. The finish line is in sight.

I'm a proponent of esthetics anyway. On our left is: The Difference Between Finish Face And Victory Lap. Her third, by the way—victory lap. Left her shadow in the dust back there somewhere.

And the winner is!!


Daddy's G - A Model Female Dog

I ended up on my back for that one. It happens. She juked at the last second, came right at me. I wasn't ready, took me out. Typically, the resulting photo when she runs me over is a blurry image of something unrecognizable. But, every once in awhile, good ol' iPhone 6 throws up a Hail Mary at the buzzer.


Photo Finish



I don’t think you used all the available adjectives you possibly could to adorn Atlas, alas.

I can’t pick a fav photo of her, but that third photo, that one is left the ground good.

Those teeth reminded me of some things, several somethings somewhere.

In A Race Against A Shadow

I can’t tell you how fastly funny that is. That’s a title in itself.

At least you’re grinding your remaining vertebrae functionality into the ground for worthy reasons. Some wicked photos here. Really liking the last one too. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were using a real camera instead of a busted up youPhone 6.

I need to work on my transparency, this is the internet, here goes. I'm using a Kodak, digital something or other, 15x zoom, voice activated shutter. Canon! Not Kodak, shit. My fake needs work too.

Before my description line said action jam-packed.... it said no hidden innuendos here, just images and their assigned titles.

My fav is either the shadow one or no one's listening to you. I spent more time on those than the images.

They're dedicated to the haters.

I need to work on my transparency, this is the internet, here goes.

Gotta run now, gotta go, catch you laterz when you're donez.

You're using a Kodak? WTH, as in WTH, with a 15x zoom and voice activated shutter? You better tell me what settings your using. That counts.

no hidden innuendos here, just images and their assigned titles.


I was sure I saw you comment that the one I said left the ground was your fav. Are you practicing faking it now?

They're dedicated to the haters.

I feel so left out of those special peoples peopling here.

Like hearing a guitar string played on a turntable cartridge or scratching on one the size of a tape measure, some things can't be imitated.

You always hit the mark with music. Wicked tune.

action attraction!! good on you dog dad! Is the iceberg melting?


Forming. Like watching an iceberg form. The finger's still in Titanic phase but I'm ready to thumb wrestle a small child. = }

I volunteer my child! Round 1! Fight!

Bwa! Ah! Ahhh! Ahhhhhhh! C'mere!

Someone is looking for a KO!!!

Your all action puppy seems to be the polar opposite of my no-action cat. I say 'my' but I'm actually his as we've no idea where he came from. Tentatively called Milo, I might not be so popular next week when I take him for his bollocks lopping off...

Anyway, how the devil are you, young (er) man? Lovely to see you and best wishes to the three of you.

Stunning pics as always and hopefully all things healthwise are slowly improving and under control :-)

Wave Media

I had a whole clever sentence here about how it's nice to be missed and how I miss you back and all that but couldn't get it the wording right.

I know all about Milo you adopted parent.

Rub his ears for me. Now. Before he hates your guts. <3

If he does hate my guts, it won't be for long as I am the man with the Whiskas lol

Some pretty dope action shots man! I love the little fur balls being wild like that, it's a lot of fun. One of these days when we get a real house, I wouldn't mind having a fur ball! The stick shots crack me up!

Much thanks. Doesn't take her much to look good. Keeps me on my toes.

She loves sticks. And boy dogs. Won't bring'em back though. Never. Not her thing. She's, if you want it back, get a retriever.

Oof... some great pics. But it's the dog. Sorry. It is what it is and she's that good!


I kinda got stuck on your awesome cool layout of the ones you didn't think were that important, btw. That's some skill. Both the layout and the photos. The words are pretty good too. But that's throughout. As always. But I'm a fangirl so...

Grimace or two. Or is it three.

That stick though, dude! That's a vlad the impaler right there. She loses balance or jumps with that thing in her mouth and... well... not a great outcome. No pointed sticks please!

Except these pointed sticks (and not even 'cause you can't eat 'em)

Sending lurve from the wilderness

Wonder how many takes that took. How in the passion fruit did dude not laugh his ass off when sergeants screaming sticks in his face? Ida been like CUT!

Thanks for coming by. iHeart all my fans and appreciate how you identi...

Nah, I better not. They're still pretty sensitive. = }

Thanks for noticing the extras in the bonus images. I spent more time there than the other images. <3

No, really, it's not her, it's all me and my device, see?


Art all over with a capital A *salutes

Also... I need a dog.

You know, it's totally ok to drop some money on a fancy camera just to take pictures of your dog.

Also, I sleep like that sometimes. Only way to beat insomnia.

You know, until now I couldn't justify it. Thank you. Needed to hear it from a woman.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I haven't had a good nights sleep in forever and just got an idea.

The unamed photo...

The dare.... take it if you can.

I enjoyed the family photos of your child playing outside and having fun.

So long as it wasn't over the top camera phone photography, you enjoyed it right. = }

Hi. Gettin cold, eh? Just a regular dare, then, not a dog dare. Good one. I need more time.

You have lots of fun with that dog, and she's beautiful. I love to see dogs having great times, swimming, playing, running over their masters. You are her master, no? Course, the image of you on your back with a wet dog with a big stick on top of you suggests somewhat otherwise.

Atlas is not the cutest dog on earth though. That one is mine.


That one is mine.

Your story, tell it however you want. = }

She makes everything better.

Hello. Doesn't she make my camera phone look good? Cuz after that description, I'm wondering if I didn't already share that image somewhere....

I love the first shot with the driftwood - you really got her joyfulness. I am surprised you don't think your phone (2016?! Is that even a thing?) doesn't take good shots.

Where do you take her that she can be off leash and swim? She's a lucky pooch. Here, if she's off leash, I am a criminal. She's off leash a lot.

A big WTF on that. What in the world happened, Owasco? I don't think it's strictly post covid, something bigger's going on out there. Everyone thinks they're a :censored: hall monitor!!

Like, who tf thinks it's ok to police someone? I can't remember the last time someone pulled alongside me to point out I rolled a stop sign...

After completely losing my cool, twice, F-words and the whole shabang, I've since practiced my response: If you understand the difference between service animal and pet, I'll entertain this conversation, otherwise we're working and minding our own business. You should too.

Red flag laws are in fashion, great tools for tyrants. Report your neighbors, parents and friends! We are being trained. Say no!

It is a good dog🎉🎉

Hello Missbebeth, welcome to Hive. Tell all your friends about me, it's ok, I'm not the jealous type. = }

Thank you.

Alright, this just made my day brighter 😄.

Wao! It's been a while I saw your post, hope you are well? I love dogs that are very active especially playing and running errands

Never a bad time, thanks for finding me again. I love dogs, too. Whoever doesn't can't be trusted.

Lol😁😁😁, well I think so. Dogs are friendly and can be a good companion

Wow, she is thrilling. I got myself awed by her movement. The pictures are worth ogling at. You did well with the shots.

Each time you stop by, you never disappoint. Sorry I don't get by more often, I'm busier than 1 year old German Shepherd trainer.

But I do think about you. All of you. And I hope you're well. Thanks for keeping up with me.

Hehe, now you make my heart do the crazy flip. Haha. It's okay. Haha, you sure are. Have fun while at it, though.

That's touching. Thanks for having me on the beat. Read ya again when I see ya up.

She's really having fun in those :) Hopefully she never smacks you with that driftwood 🤣

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Much appreciate that. She can make anyone look like a photographer.

Why no Selfie Photo bombing. Show the contrast between beauty and the beast.

Atlas is no beast. Just beautiful 😍

I think someone wants Daddy's G too.

Pink Princesses G.

I admit I am a little Jelly Us of the @dandays
For a handsome man He sure is camera shy. Maybe wants and warrents and has to keep a low profile... Lmao.

He knows I am just kidding... Or am i

You got a pet Nine ? Or ever been head over heels in love with one.

This photo is Shawny Girl. Collie Mix. My first interspecies love affair. Early 1990's

I had a collie who looked exactly like Shawny when I was a kid, Rocky. Seriously, twins. He was such a good dog. A chick named Jody gave him to me, she was in my class. I can remember her mom asking my mom if it was ok.

He was such a good dog. Totally let me be a kid and was super sharp. Dang man, I just got emotional.


not really

If you would like to know how my Shawny Girls story ends. Read this post I did about it..

No Homo

When I think back about her I become VERY GAY Emotionally Angry.

For a handsome man He sure is camera shy.

He knows Atlas belongs front and centre, even if he is master, she's the STAR.

You got a pet Nine ?

Only if you count my spiders as being pets. I'd show you old dog shots but I don't want @dandays to feel left out of the leash loop.

Shawny Girl looks like a real Bonny Girl. Collie mixed with?

A mutt. I have no clue. LoL

I always just thought it was a collie husky collaboration. 🤷‍♂️

I would never have figured out that you have no clue. I thought you had all the clues and just weren't sharing them.

Collie husky looks possible. I was curious because a dog I had was a shepherd/collie mix, but she has a LOT more HAIR.

No, youuuu are!

She makes everything better; moods, weather, even traffic, mailman hardly ever sucks anymore, either.

Nice to see you.

Says the Dogpink princess lady in a mansuit.

I get it. Samantha makes my chronic paralyzing homesickness out here on the highway tolerable. Best therapist ever.!!

Lying beside my seat on the floorboard now. Took me 3 red lights and a stop sign to type this...

Just hold everyone up at the first light next time until you finish responding to me. It's fine, seriously, I'll never know the difference.

I guess a German Shepherd gets to sleep however it wants to :) Those are some hilarious shots, man. Thanks for taking one (or several maybe) for the team.

Most welcome Brandt. She makes everything better. Even the little scrapes on the wall add character.

Good to see you here again. It's less uncomfortable when you're not gone.

I'll try to be not gone more than I'm not not gone. No promises though. Sobriety fucking sucks.

Thanks for not going not far out of your way for me.

You're doing great Brandt. Weed doesn't count. Not sure you knew that and most everyone may claim otherwise but it's true, most everyone lies.

I can't do pot, man. Gives me panic attacks. I already deal with those without the help of weed… weed just makes 'em worse :/

That's right, now I remember. Makes you forget things sometimes.

I wish I could have the forgetting part, without the panic attack part.

Ha! Anyone can do that! IF they have a great camera that is, having two kittens I know for a fact that it's a nightmare when they suddenly decide to move while taking a picture, lol.

Your dog is adorible (say this in Spanish!)

How's the hand healing going? Any progress or still slow slow?

Hope you're good <3


This is a nice surprise. I've been trying to keep up with your drought diaries. House, dog, everything else, I don't have near the same time as I did traveliving.

Hangin in there. Much thanks for asking. I'm able to do a couple more things—progressing. So slow though. So many slow's.

Gracias señora gato.

Oh so you've read the shitter going on here lol. Well, at least that's behind us. I could not do much more than just get through the days for weeks because it was exhausting. Now I'm sitting here and wondering what the best approach is in terms of getting the rooms in order. But at least we both have an office space, with a lot of light and air flow so upgrades all over!

That's good to read that you're able to do a few more things, that's indeed progress! Even if it's slow, it's still progress. Keep it going sir!

Any plans for the weekend?

Congratulations you guys. Hopping borders and settling isn't always easy. Losing water regularly is horrible, happened to us in Central and South America weekly. Every other day it seems. Once, in Hererdia Costa Rica we didn't have water for about 24 hours. And the last time I went to the market after being there earlier, I grabbed the last case of water, literally, empty shelves.

It came back on shortly after we cracked that case. That was the worst one. But we'd lose water more often than having it.

I vaguely know your pain.

I unintentionally made myself super busy this week with dentists, phoning, doctor, meal delivery, appointment after appointment. Haven't had time to think about the the weekend yet.


I don't know how I'd handle that losing water regularly, especially if you don't know when it will be available and when not, lol. I'm not great with letting my faith rely on other people, haha. A little thing that I developed after some hard years, lol.

Busy with appointments is not the worst, is it? That reminds me I need a prescription refill and totally forgot to make an appointment, thanks for the reminder!

I think we will mostly be busy inside the home as now we have back our internet but the way things are done here in terms of electricity and cables, it's horrible :) My boyfriend will probably spent a day fixing that alone and we will hopefully get the last boxes out of here. I yet have to find a drawer cabinet to put my stuff in though. My bedroom is also super empty and cold because of it but I don't know what I want yet, maybe I can see it once all boxes are cleared :)

Have a good one!

What a great dog Atlas is, just beautiful. I am impressed with those action photos, very cool. I swear my son's dog Hunter would be a perfect mate. He loves to sleep on his back with his legs propped up, it's so funny.

So, what state you in now? Tennesse with the good old boys?
Hope you are happy and healthy, love to Pura.

One of those states. Close to you, what's up for Thanksgiving? = }

She loves boy dogs. And she's such a sweetheart, too. Impressive temperament. If dogs get aggressive around her, I swear she throws up an L with her paw.

We're hangin in there farm-mom, thank you. We think of you guys every time we look out back. <3

This one is my fave! How delightful dogs are.


My Fave. If you don't mind, I think I'll call it that.


lots of action 🤣👍

Zoom, shmoom.


Gotta ask, do you get paid by the adjective?

Gotta answer, certainly positively most definitely do not.

What's up buddy, it's been a while. After years of waiting to get a four-legged family member to join you on your journey in life, it sure seems that you got the right dawg.
Some great action shots that would not have been possible if Atlas was on a leash even if it was one of those leashes where you push a button to pay out more line. All those leashes do is give the dog enough leeway to get up a full head of steam before it either tears your arm off which would happen in your case or if a lap dog is tied to the end of the leash and all of the line has paid out, tear off the dogs head.
Having a dog always attached to a leash is like having a muscle car that you can't shift out of 1st gear, why have the car?

How is your hand, how is Pura and how is life treating you, all good I hope.

Attention who sees this: complimentary wordsmith analogy by Mr Sweed.

Having a dog always attached to a leash is like having a muscle car that you can't shift out of 1st gear, why have the car?

What the heck is up sir? Never a bad time. The hand.. Like watching an iceberg form. Thumb is getting strong like one would think. Finger, however, we'll have to touch back later.

Pura. She's just out there making me The Luckiest Guy I Know.

Much love, Jurg's. As always, thank you.

Good to hear that the thumb is doing better. The remainder of the hand may take some time, but at least the prognosis is that it should heal in time.

The luckiest guy you know got lucky the day you met the gal that makes you feel that way. Hopefully, she feels the same way. 😁

verry goods bro

= } Welcome to Hive.

thanks you so much bro


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@eii(3/5) tipped @dandays
mimismartypants tipped dandays

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you are welcome have a great day and week ahead. 😉🙏


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Dear @dandays, you just got hugged.
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Ahem... it's reading day


#NicestThingIReadAllDay and it's early!

Thank you.

Oh goody... I won't take my day offline to reboot then #justsayin

p.s. May do because the child has gone to his father and I have the XBox all to myself.

It's "every man for his Self", you know (still laughing about this line)

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LEO Power Up Day - November 15, 2023

*tap tap

You okay, dude?

Who is it?

Oh, high!

Come in, I miss you too. I'm not that bad, much appreciate the concern. Truly. Makes my heart smile like chocolate peppermint candied almonds. The white ones, with red sparkles. Just busier than a cover-up in Vatican City is all.

I considered going with a blade of grass in a tornado but that metaphor's so neutral.

Thank you.

This place is my refuge at times. I enjoy having somewhere to practice and miss it when I'm away. I just have so many things going right now, the ball that says blog hasn't made it back down yet.



Well that made my day and was (almost) as good as reading one of your posts.

So thank you

Copy copy and take care of you, that smart gal and the best dawg ever while we wait patiently for your return.

And yeah. I've a ton of content in my brain and not enough time to make it right now. Sucks eggs. But things pass so on we go!

See ya soonish then.


hilarious post aside, i was wondering how you do the fancy markup?

ʀᴜɴɴᴇʀ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟꜱ ᴛʜɪʀᴅ! ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴛᴄʜ!!!

small text but all caps?

how about the captions under the photos-- that teeny text

Daddy's G - A Model Female Dog

well that one didnt show.
i think you might be using the :under: but i dont know
you know any good markdown cheat sheets?
and your name... how ddid you do that?

𝒟 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒜

you managed to write in cursive
its ok if you dont want to give me all your secrets

Congratulations! You're lucky caller #13, grab your favorite pen! We'll start with easy stuff like my phone, email, et cetera and work our way to ring size, favorite toilet paper, high school mascot, how much time you got?

This one's tough to explain. The code is viewable from my if that helps.

Happy thanksgiving man, hope things are okay for you and the fam!

Much thanks Cmplxty, enjoyed every second of it, I hope you and yours did it as well.

Is it still 2023? Man, where are you guys? You should be so far passed Florida by now you're practicing Cuban in the Caymans. = }

You downvoted my post
What’s the problem?

Yeah I know
Same as before

What’s the problem this time?

You remember then, cool.

