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RE: My Coding Quiz #57

in Indiaunited2 months ago (edited)

Hey! What an awesome find today! You're doing dev quizzes. I definitely need to come back here. I'm just in my feed here today finding yours.

On the quiz above I have no clou yet and look forward to your solution in #58 hopefully. Would love to have me mentioned for not missing out. Your lesson reminds me of going into regular expressions more, yet having little reason in a usual day in and day out as not being a dev yet.

Make this a great day!



Hey! Thank you for stopping by! I hope you like my coding series. Are you learning coding? If you follow me, I think you should get updates about my posts in your feed.

No, I'm not learning to code. I've tried to go into it, though never had the patience to dive very deep. I'm more of an admin then a coder.

My feed is what led me here, yet that's not very reliable as I don't often can afford days like today. !LOLZ So I miss a lot that is in my feed.

Yet I now have added your account to my F.R.I.D.A.Y and look forward to more of your quizzes! 😀👍


Yes, I get that the feed sometimes gets messy. Thank you!

In my past life I was a turtle.
It is slowly coming back to me.

Credit: reddit
@eniolw, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of anli
