Saving The Planet One Step At A Time

in Indiaunited18 days ago


Improper disposition of refuse, like burning or throwing it in the wrong places like the sea or inside gutters, has several disadvantages. Burning, for example, is one of the improper ways to dispose of refuse. Burning waste, for instance, contributes to air pollution by releasing harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. These pollutants can have harmful side effects on humans and the environment. It is no news that air pollution has led to diseases, and even worse still, death.

Back in the day, before the advent of technology, humans had to resort to improper methods of disposing of refuse. Decades ago, humans lived in darkness. They lived in a time without the advanced machines we have today to effectively and efficiently manage our waste. As a result, burning of waste became a normal practice. Our forefathers didn’t have the proper machines to efficiently and effectively get rid of their waste, and they had to resort to burning which had a harmful impact on them and their environment.

Improper disposition of refuse is not a new thing. It has been going on for decades. Growing up, my parents and I lived in an undeveloped area where proper waste management was lacking. As humans, it is natural for us to generate refuse as we make use of things. Unfortunately, since we had no proper way to dispose of them, people often littered the streets with refuse. Those who were cultured enough not to do that, resorted to burning instead. When it comes to air pollution, it is important to know that we also play a big role in it, not just the big companies. Yes, big companies certainly contribute to air pollution, but it also narrows down to individual actions. Simple activities such as burning of waste can release harmful pollutants into the air.


However, with the advancement of technology, there has been a significant change in the way we live our lives. Thanks to technology, we have learnt about the harmful effects of disposing of refuse improperly, and have discovered more eco-friendly methods like recycling. The truth is that even though so many people are aware of the harmful effects of improper disposal of refuse, they still continue to remain apathetic towards the health of the people and environment. While some people are aware of the harmful effects of burning waste, others are aware. But they choose to remain nonchalant.

I am not going to play all innocent in this. Before my family and I learned about the dangers of burning refuse, we used to pile up our waste and burn it just like everyone else. But now, we've discovered a better and easier way to handle things: recycling. This topic reminds me of a 12-year-old boy named Ryan on Facebook. I came across his page some years ago. Ryan is an eco-friendly kid who does the little he can to take care of his environment. Instead of burning products, he recycles them and uses them to make other products like shirts and sandals. Recycling products is like giving life to them again. With this, it is evident that we also have a role to play in this. The change can start from you.


Recycling is practiced by so many people in the world. People who care about nature and their environment, instead of burning used products, they convert them into reusable materials to create new products. The importance of recycling in the lives of humans cannot be overemphasized, as it offers lots of benefits. As I mentioned earlier, one of the benefits of recycling is that it plays a role in reducing air pollution and combating climate change. Another significant advantage of recycling is that it is a form of employment. Do you know you can make money from recycling products? A lot of industries make a living just by collecting and recycling waste.

This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of May. The topic is: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, do you apply this rule? Do you do it at home? It is part of the schooling?
To which other areas can we apply this concept? Is it really on our hands to make a change or is it on the big companies?

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Beautiful! The concept of recycling is one that I think most of us are yet to understand what it is and how we can be a part of it actively.

The government should look for better ways you enlighten the general public of the importance of recycling and create a proper and easy way for people to dispose of those things they have no need of.

Burning waste has always been our go to option due to the kind of environment we find ourselves in. There are no place where we can dispose our wastes and everyone is scared of been caught disposing at the wrong place so burning becomes the best option.

Hopefully now we will continue to think of better ways to dispose our wastes and not cause harm to our environment.

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful piece with us Fave 🌹.

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