Data Breaches can wreck one’s life and finances, important of privacy and data protection.

in Indiaunited16 days ago

Hello Lions

Web3 has been an amazing tool for privacy protection. I was amazed to see that even on the hive blockchain, someone can blog and earn tokens while still remaining anonymous. There are a few friends of mine here whose identity including gender is difficult to tell because they chose to remain anonymous.

They have come onboard the hive blockchain and have remained like that ever since, even though at one point or another I had wished to know their identity. In an attempt to ask, they had only divulged certain information and what they felt like telling. Even though it is recommended to make an introduction post of yourself on the hive blockchain, they succeeded in doing that without anyone knowing their real person, their facial appearance, or what they have. Since they gave us the information they wanted us to know, we have all been relating to who or whatever they are.


The internet made it possible for people to pick up different personalities/identity online and offline.
Their virtual identity completely opposes who they are in the real world. On the hive blockchain, everyone knows me both by my name and the information I have put up here. I was backed up with several physical pieces of evidence, showing my real identity even outside of the hive. Everyone can see and connect these informations to trace me down to my home address since that has also been mentioned in different series of my blogs. You have some genuine information here.

What if I decide to pick up a new identity, create another blog page, and use some level of intelligence to blog as someone entirely or even living up an opposite genders identity present myself here as someone else? An introductory post may not be relevant, and I can make content here and get followers and upvotes. Privacy is important for various reasons for different humans. We can only choose to give out whatever information we feel like, like keeping what we do not desire from public view.


Why do people conceal their identity?

In the real world, it is not very easy to hide from being who we are because sooner or later, our identity can be traced. Having dropped information about us one way or another to the government, As little as a birth certificate can be used to trace my state of birth and pick up further information about me. Going to school, owing a bank account, or carrying out some simple transactions all need our details and signatures. We are left at the mercy of KYC’s here and there. More information about where we live, our maiden names, parents, and as simple as a guarantors form are some of the vital information about us or even track us down.

There are a thousand and one reasons why people conceal their identities, but the bedrock of these lies in two major reasons.

  • We conceal to attack or
  • Conceal to defend.

In any of life’s situations, either we are attacked or we remain in the position of an attacker.
There are legal battles, financial crises, theft, insecurity, cyber attacks, physical attacks, or any other vices and fates that can befall a man. A man can either hide his identity to attack another man or hide his identity to protect himself.

Identity theft is a common thing, and the information we put out there can be used to impersonate us.
Keeping certain information away can protect a man and his resources.
Withholding certain information can help you either win or lose a legal battle. The privacy setting feature on our mobile device can be used to control our presence and activities online without these Our locations and online tracking devices can be negatively used against us. These are the numerous reasons why privacy protection is an important issue.

A single breach of the privacy of some passwords can cause anyone to lose their net worth and finances within the twinkle of an eye. That is why we have a very long chain of hive keys and passwords that needs to be protected.

Regardless of how exciting the internet has been, some information about us is meant to be kept secret, but I can bet that a lot of people, including myself, have learned about this knowledge very late. Nevertheless, there is still room to teach and protect the younger generation from too much information out there that can put them in danger.

All images are Canva designed.

This is my submission to the #mayinleo and I'm using this medium to invite other hivers to come and participate in this prompt with a lot of interesting topics via this link

Posted Using InLeo Alpha