Why We Should Celebrate Moms Every Single Day

in Indiaunited17 days ago

Mother's Day is wonderful and all, but let's face it, it's kind of dumb to only give mothers one small day a year to be recognized and appreciated. In my opinion, moms should be honored 365 days a year for their unwavering devotion, unselfish giving, and unending love for their children.


Given that I have one of the most incredible mothers on the globe, it goes without saying that I have some prejudice here. However, even if you take away my idealistic viewpoint, you will come to see that mothers are some of the real-life superheroes that exist among us as you learn more about the struggles they face.

Just pause to contemplate the astounding wonder of birthing on its own. Nine months of carrying another person inside of you, feeling like you're being kicked from the inside out, experiencing pain and nausea, and then mustering the superhuman strength to force that baby out into the world. And that's just step one! The two decades-plus of hands-on care, nurturing, teaching, and unwavering devotion that follows is where the real mother-level achievements kick into high gear.

From the moment that newborn lays eyes on them, a mother becomes their child's first educator, mentor, caretaker, and source of assurance. Imagine being on-call 24/7, waking up at all hours to the cries and coos of an infant completely dependent on you. Mothers quickly become masters of multitasking, domestic logistics, and crisis management - keeping their eyes on multiple kids, managing the household, and still somehow staying sane.

There's no clocking out or taking vacations from this gig. Moms have to be ready to swap between roles like mom friend, mom cop, mom chef, and mom nurse at a moment's notice. And often they are playing those roles while also holding down a job or career. Talk about ultimate multitaskers!

And if you think handling babies and little kids is tough, just wait until they're teenagers! Those years are like a awful mixture of the terrible twos and prime puberty meltdowns and mood swings. Yet through all the angsty eye-rolling, slammed doors, and "you don't understand me!" drama, mothers somehow maintain their unconditional love and patience. Where do they find such otherworldly reserves of strength? It's beyond me!

Moms have to be authorities on everything from homework help and relationship advice to emotional therapy and life skills. They serve as their kids' cheerleaders, supporting every hobby, sporting event, musical recital and interest with unwavering enthusiasm. How many of us would have given up or lost confidence without our mom's encouragement and belief in our potential?

And perhaps most admirably of all, mothers typically pour so much of themselves into nurturing their kids that they often put their own wants and needs on the permanent backburner. How many passion projects, hobbies and aspirations have been deferred or missed out on by moms indefinitely subbing their dreams for driving their kids all over town? Too many to count.

Even as we grow up, gain independence, and eventually move out of the home, moms never stop being moms. My own mother regularly checks in with me, offering reassurance, guidance, and support as I navigate the challenges of adulthood. Her listening ear, wise advice, and care packages of homemade treats are as crucial now as when I was a kid looking for a band-aid and hug to heal all wounds.

The bottom line is that moms wear more hats and fill more roles than any of us could ever repay them for. They are nurturers, protectors, cheerleaders, disciplinarians, cooks, nurses, chauffeurs, tutors, best friends, and so much more - often all in the same day! And through all those responsibilities, their overflowing reserves of patience and selflessness never run dry.

So while Mother's Day is a nice recognition, it's simply not enough. We should be celebrating everything moms do for us every single day. The sacrifices they make, the battles they fight, the love they give without asking for anything in return - it all deserves endless praise and attention. Not just when the calendar decides it's mom's special day.

At the bare minimum, we should be showering our moms with flowers, cards, gratitude and treats every week to try and partially make up for all they've done for us over our lifetimes. Heck, I'd be down for declaring a National Mom Appreciation Year at this point. It would be such a small price to pay for the amazing women who helped shape us into the people we are.

So to my amazing mom and to all the great mothers out there - thank you. Thank you for being real-life superheroes who never stop giving, loving and making the world a better place. You deserve the royal treatment for the rest of your days. I'll be sure to start practicing what I preach.


Mothers are specially made ,they really need to be celebrated all day

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Even if we use everyday to celebrate mother's day, it won't be enough to appreciate what they do and are still doing.


It is no doubt that motherhood comes along with very tasking responsibility, as a kid I witnessed pregnancy and birth of my siblings and I must say the pain is incomparable. The amount of discomfort mothers go through during that stage is more than enough to dedicate a year to appreciate their sacrifices.

Pop in from #dreemport

I mean I haven’t carried a baby in my belly before but the whole thought of menstrual cramps even scare me enough. Even that I always say they should give us allowance for the pain , I can’t just imagine carrying a child for nine months…mother are really super heroes and should be celebrated even everyday.


Truly, our mothers deserve to be celebrated everyday. Sometimes, when I think about the process of childbirth alone, I shiver. Not to mention the other things that comes with being a woman and bringing a child up. They deserve all the love and celebrated, honestly.