My daddy my all( my best childhood memory

in Indiaunited17 days ago (edited)

My daddy my all( my best childhood memory)


My best childhood memory was when my daddy was still alive. He meant everything to me and the whole family. Let me make the story short - he was the one bringing in the money and it was really sad that he couldn't stay with me and my brothers and sisters for long.

My daddy made sure my childhood had lots of discipline and taught me to be happy with whatever I got. He was strict but in a good way, you know? Didn't let us get too spoiled or act up. Mama was a sweetheart but daddy's word was law when he put his foot down.

I remember this one time, I really wanted this new toy I saw on TV. Must've driven my parents crazy, bugging them about it every day after school. Daddy finally sat me down and explained how he worked long hours, doing a tough job, to put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads. Told me that brand new toys cost too much money that could go to more important things for the family.

But then on my birthday, there was that toy, wrapped up nicely! I ripped off the paper so fast. Daddy said he wasn't made of money so I better take good care of that toy. You can bet I played with it every day and never let it out of my sight. Appreciated it so much more for the sacrifice daddy made to get it.

Another time, me and my knucklehead friends got carried away playing war with sticks after school. We accidentally broke the neighbor's window. Oh man, I've never been more scared in my life than when daddy shouted my full name, told me to come outside right that instant. I thought I was going to get the licking of a lifetime. But daddy made us all apologize, then had us work odd jobs until we could pay for a new window pane ourselves. Harsh lesson in accountability.

Daddy worked himself to the bone so we could have a decent life. He never missed a single one of my baseball games, always whooping and cheering from the bleachers. I'll never forget the huge bear hugs he gave me after a win. Made me feel like a million bucks knowing my old man was proud of me that day.

It tears me up now, knowing' my daddy's gone and I'll never get to introduce him to my own kids someday. But you can bet I'll be teaching them the same values of discipline, hard work and being grateful that daddy drilled into me. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him and aim to make him proud.

Thank you so much for reading my post.


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