Hive Built For War

in #hive4 months ago

Follow me on the Hive machanism and a logical conclusion:

Hive is not designed for pacifism. It has an additional mana renewal specifically for downvotes.

Some users never exercise their downvote power due to pacifist beliefs. However, when this ability is inherent and others utilize it, the pacifists are losing in the game.

When someone downvotes posts you voted for, they also damages your curation rewards.

Since the reward pool is limited, it's a zero-sum game. The downvoters wield more power, which we, the 'pussies' who refrain from harming others (as I did before realizing this), do not. Thus, the Hive system gradually increases the share of the pie for these downvoters at the expense of live-and-let-live users.

Smart users should not only vote but also retaliate with downvotes when their friends are downvoted to protect their curation rewards.

It's a lamentable reality, and I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on this.



Since you asked for thoughts here's some.

This is your downvoting history over the last 7 days...downvoting people who have never cast a single downvote on you just because they commented on my posts.

So...please expect a downvote from me on every single comment or post you do, forever...including this very post.


You went away to Blurt in a rage quit and piled shit on Hive saying how terrible it was, how it has no value and it won't survive...and here you are representing yourself as a victim...well, in truth you really are, a victim of your own behaviors which have been reprehensible and anti-Hive in every way...and will stick with you forever.

Just so you know, every comment you have ever made is on the blockchain forever, and can be, before you start throwing stones and trying to garner favour from other users who possibly do not know your history you should take a moment to consider that the truth is out there for all to see.

So last question, and please answer like a man. No long manifests and too much redundant details:

What are your terms to end our dispute?

Since I understand you won't answer I have to sadly assume this is your answer @galenkp


I did not tagged you in my post, so I appreciate you reading me.
Also you did not comment on the downvote mechanism and only shared your thoughts about our personal case but I am glad you did.

In the past 2 years I learned to respect and like you. I don't like to communicate on remote private channels since there are so much fake news and private talks tend to get subjective. I prefer transparent communication many times, or build trust f2f.

But you are not the only one reading me. I read you and thats why I learned to like and respect because we share some values. I like your passion for your work, spouse and Hive. Even downvoting me is a fruit of your passion. Like you I will not cave and will not stop fighting for my principles.

That being said I must add something and please please please don't take this as a threat and see this as a respectful approach of someone sharing similar values.
I appear weak with my 6k and my call for friendly help. But I heard once a smart sentence. "Strong that presents as weak is an act of cruelty". I read your quotes and I am sure you can appreciate the wisdom of this saying (hope I did not lost anyhing in translation).
So before we agree to keep flagging each other forever, which Im comfortable to accept, let me put it on the table since I don't want to be cruel.

I have resources you probably don't imagine. And Im younger than you. You have put so much effort in Hive and I would love if we can move on and open a new page. I don't want to keep downvoting you for the rest of your life. I am a calculated investor and there may come a time when I choose to increase my investment. I am sure your principle won't allow you to beg me to stop from ruining the reputation you worked so hard for all these years. I will though since Im loyal to my principles as same as you are to yours. Im sure you can respect that.

Smart users should not only vote but also retaliate with downvotes when their friends are downvoted

Depends how much you want to lose for yourself, because some of the malicous downvoters take this counter-downvotes as a personal attack and start downvoting too.
I usually don´t want to get involved in any downvoting war - with a few exceptions. This whole thing went way to far. Unfortunately there is no governance controlling that downvotes are justified (and only fight spam & plagiarism).

Btw I checked your stats unlike galen who has 50/50 author and curation, in your case curation rewards are 5 times higher than author rewards. Flagging hurts you and the passive approach less. I admit I was influenced by watching the US only pasively supporting allies therefore losing ground on Syria and Ukraine and now in Israel. In the end US will be forced to fight Iran backed by Russia, China, Syria.

I believe there can still be more peace that exist among people on this platform. Well though I enjoy my quality time on hive