Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

in #inleo2 months ago

The Battle.

The ruleset for this battle was:

Broken arrows.

Five Alive.

Heavy Hitters.

33 Mana.

Link to the battle:

This was a very interesting battle between two strong teams in Champion. you can see that form us both going with the same legendary summoner the vicious red panda. A very handy summoner as it's dragon with some strong abilities such as camouflage which directs all attacks at the monster in your first position.

Starting line-up

We both went with similar lineups as well but there was a big difference. He went defensive with two tank heals, shield repair, cleanse and baakira which has magic void and heal as well. Then a strong opportunity monster in deeplurker to pick off my line up. Didn't work in this case as i had the same idea with my summoner but i had a strong attacking team with 14 melee points from three monsters sneak and opportunity.

Let's go.

Round three.

This turned into an absolute war of attrition and there was no kill by round three. I came so close to taking out his tank so many times but the shield repair and cleanse kept saving him. If it wasn't for all of the defense cards i would have taken his tank and ripped through the team after that but i couldn't get those last couple of health points.

He was having the same problem as he had to sacrifice attack points for all of the defensive buffs.

First kill..

The first kill came in round four where he finally breached my tank. It was always going to come down to that between us. Who ever lost the first card was going to lose the match as it was a race to kill the first card.

Unfortunately that was me. It all came down to shield repair on his side. That repair of two shield points blokced a five melee attack every single round and stopped me from killing off the tank. If his tank fell first it was game over the other way. So frustrating to keep getting within 1-3 health points of the win but never getting that last blow in. All down to the shield soaking up my opportunity attack.

Finishing line-up.

Once i lost my tank the finish was inevitable. Even worse they recovered all of the health and shields before the finish so it was a full whitewash. So close to a win but in the end so far away.

A very good fight though and an interesting one to watch. I didn't take a health point off them by the finish but the whole battle came down to one buff on their side.

That's why i don't mind showing the loss as it's a great example of a hard fought battle that i just came out the wrong side of.

Try for yourself.

If you haven't played the game before then now is the best time to join. Today is much better than tomorrow and a lot better than later.

Link to the game here,


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Those rebellion cards are just too formidable. You could have taken the game, but your opponent had that extra heal from that rebellion cards and all your attacks even with the weapon's training keep getting healed

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Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss

You described the strategy very well, although you could have added more details about how you thought, on the other hand, the format of your post is fine, but you can also improve it for a better presentation.