Time for the politicians to come begging.

in #ireland24 days ago

Your friendly local politician. It's that season again when they actually appear from the mists like a mythical creature. One not seen since the last time the needed the help of us mere mortals.

You could be crying out for them to help us every day for years but to actual catch a glimpse of these rare and elusive creatures it can only happen under a special set of circumstances.

A lot like a leprechaun will only be found at the end of a rainbow or fae people at the dawn of a new moon. To spot a politician in the wild comes once every five years. Only in the weeks leading up to an election where their cushy job is on the line.

After five years of misery and failure for the majority they still manage to swagger up to the house full of promises and grandeur.

Telling us about all of the gifts that they will bring to us mortals if we only give them a vote and leave them to the work.

It's not for the money or the power, oh no. It's for the good of the people.

Never mind that they said the exact same thing five year ago and in some cases five years before that.

They consider us idiots with the memory of a mouse. Sadly in a lot of cases they are right as the same failed people can get elected time after time.

Some have been useful and done good work for their community but the majority have been next to anonymous over their term in office.

The same problems are still here and only getting worse.

  • Housing
  • Immigration.
  • Cost of living.
  • Crime rates.
  • Public services.
  • Waste of public funds.

It goes on and on, over and over.
They smile and lie through their teeth as they claim a huge wage, a cushy job and a large pension after a few years.

All paid for by the taxpayers money which they spend like there is no tomorrow.

Taxes keep going up and up as public services go down and down.

There is plenty money in the country to fix the majority of these issues but due to stupidity and lack of effort most of it is wasted along the way.

Lets see what they will say this time when they call for my vote. Whether they can prove some ability to run our area. Whether they can answer the questions and give real answers instead of the usual bullshit.

Somehow. I doubt it.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think everyone already knows that politicians beg during election😅
Annoying set of people!

Terrible people really. A few try their best to improve the country and the rest just take what they can get form it.

We have elections in 3 weeks time and the locals are seeing through the lies, but they will still be voted back in. Immigration for you guys needs to be sorted sharpish before it is too late or their will be trouble ahead. Too much woke shit going on all over.

The problem is that they are all the same.
I would love to vote for the good ones but they are few and far between. Same in every country.

Things have changed a lot here in the past few years and not for the better. Too many people taking advantage of the system so things need to change fast before it goes too far.

Unfortunately they are only their to take advantage of the system. This has gone way too far and the people need to save their country now by voting in independents who can fix this. This will become a religious problem if left alone.

I heard the ireland has increasing crime rates. How is the situation in ireland?

Ireland isn't bad. Still a lovely country to visit or live in but the capital city has gotten a lot worse over the past few years. Dirty and dangerous.