YouGov Polls: A Pitiful Return!

YouGov are a company who run a number of opinion polls for public and private bodies.

The samples for some of these polls are derived through mailing lists, to which anyone can sign up to.

If your criteria fit what the agent paying for the poll to be carried out wants then you stand a chance of being selected to take part.

I signed up for this many years ago. You generally get from between 50 to 100 points per survey, and when you get to 5000 points you can cash them in for £50, or £50 worth of vouchers, but I prefer the former.

I signed up for YouGov polls several years ago, and have so far managed to accumulate one lot of 5000 points, and am approaching half way for the next...

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I had got very slack with doing these polls over the last few years but got interested again recently because now they are offering some points for simply linking your YouTube, Netflix and other data...

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So now doing polls seems more worthwhile, may as well push for that £50.

However it is a pitiful return.

You get 50 points for around 10 minutes 'work'. That means it takes 100 times 10 to earn £50.

100 times 10 = 1000, or 16 hours work for £50.

That's £3.10 an hour.

But then again it's hardly work!

From a strictly monetary perspective it's really NOT worth it, but given that this is like nothing else I do, it's easy, most of the questionnaires are interesting enough, and it's only about once every 7-10 days I get an invite, it's OK!

And the data connections gives me around 100 points extra a week, along with the surveys that's an extra few squid every month, it all helps!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I did this for 2 years already, you get the £50 in around 12 months, so once per year., with a 95% completion rate.

It's one of those 'may as well' things - nice to get that £50 once in a while!

I used to do them when I was at nightshift, to keep myself awake, that and tasks

I tried these about 2007 as I was in a really boring job and super-demotivated. The cash out was £50 then, I never reached it, never got near. Surveys are a waste of time, don't bother.

I quite enjoy them TBH, once in a while!

It is much more when compared to the earnings from the other survey web-sites.

Wow is this accessible in all countries