X New Terms Of Service Show The Importance Of Hive

in #leofinance9 months ago

Hive is a decentralized text database that allows anyone with some of the staked coins to write to it.

It also allows anyone access to the data who wants it.

This is becoming an important component. In the world of artificial intelligence, this truly is the "new oil".

One of the major problems is that corporations are starting to assume total control. The major social media networks are data warehouses, generating massive amounts each day. This is only favoring them to even a greater degree.

Elon Musk spent a lot of money for X. Regardless of what is being done with the social media platform, it is a treasure trove of data. This is something they are well aware of.

In this article we discuss how X changed its terms of service to reflect this new reality and how it shows the importance of decentralized databases like Hive.

X Terms of Service: AI Training

Elon is setting up an artificial intelligence epicenter. X is just one piece of the puzzle.

Here is one section added to the terms of service.



We can clearly see this allows X to use the data provided by the users for the training of its AI system. This likely will come as no surprise to anyone.

But if we did a big deeper, we find there is more to the story. Musk also set up xAI. This is from the website.


This certainly leaves the door open to Musk taking the data and using it to train the other systems. Again, this might not be a surprise to many but it now clear what the intention is.

Of course, this is no different than what anyone else in the technology sector is doing. Mark Zuckerberg has the Facebook family of applications that are all garnering data. He is feeding through through his algorithms.

No Data Scraping

Not long ago, both Twitter and Reddit limited their APIs. This is something we can presume is going to keep expanding.

These companies want to make sure that they retain the data. If it is the new oil, one is not about to give it away.

Meta, Google. X, and TikTok are all thinking the same thing. For other companies to train their systems, they will have to pay for the data. This is not user data but the property of these technology companies.

X even put it in their terms of service.


This means that scraping of data by any outside company is no prohibited.

In short, they are seeking to lock down the data.

Hive To The Rescue

This might seem like it is over-the-top but this is exactly where Hive can offer a tremendous benefit.

At its core, Hive is a decentralized text database. This means, as stated, anyone can write to it. Data scraping is not a problem since anyone is free to access it. The only problem might be the APIs yet this is open to any company. They simply have to set up their own API.

Text data is how NLP models learn. Since we write in a language that is natural to us, the software is set up to learn that. This is what makes things like ChatGPT so powerful. While many will claim it is nothing more than search, it is working on providing answers in human language.

All of this requires data.

Microsoft, the one behind Open AI, has access to a ton of data also. It isn't a mistake that we keep reverting back to the same household names from the tech industry. On the Chinese side, Alibaba and Tencent are the ones there.

Many fear technology, especially AI, and have a dystopian view. Obviously, with mega-tech in control, there are some things to be concerned about.

When we bore down to the basics, it starts with data. These companies control a lot of it. The reality is that it just keeps growing.

What are smaller operators to do? There is no place for them to get the data. This leaves the market to the major corporations who have repeatedly shown not to have everyone's best interest.

Hive is providing an alternative. While the dataset is nowhere near that of the major social media platforms or search engines, we can keep working on providing an alternative. Everything that appears on Hive will eventually end up in a machine learning engine at some point.

Of course, much of this can start with the idea of stop feeding the beast. This is difficult since traditional social media platforms have so much control.

However, this is no different than money. The push for cryptocurrency is one of taking $1 and moving it to the new system. Therefore, each unit not in a bank but in a crypto wallet is minor shift. We see the same thing with transactions. Each time a payment is made using cryptocurrency, that is one less payment done in fiat currency.

The terms of service update by X shows where this is all headed. In a world dominated by major corporations, Hive offers an oasis.

It is up to us to utilize what is at hand.


logo by @st8z


Hive offers an oasis

Your way with words is just perfect.
I do wonder sometimes will Hive ever compete with big companies like X,. Facebook and so on. So far I see that we are capable of competing with them maybe not now or 5 years time but someday we can.

Hive has changed so much in the future Hive will be a default social media platform in the future. Maybe I'm over confident with Hive but Hive just has that thing that makes you addicted to it.

I guess it's due to we the normal users in hive can participate or watch as developers in Hive build the platform further there's always something to look forward to in Hive. As for the other social media yea they have better functions but there is Zero rewards and also it's becoming extremely toxic at times. I'm glad Hive has more good than toxic in them.

Of course there is always some bad in something good but I see hive as one of the pure and clean platform there is currently I can't find anywhere else. Anyway I talk too much lol.

Thanks for the info 🙂

A lot goes into it. I think you hit upon some of it. We all have the opportunity to not only ride the expansion but also participate in it.

It is a rather unique proposition when you think about it.

Unique yes you hit the spot it is unique being here and being able to see how things progress.

This is opening up doors to people all over the world. People simply need to see what is taking place on here.

That's true I've been recruiting my developer friends to join Hive unfortunately no one seem to be interested anyway I've been here for a year plus now I'm not giving up anytime soon 🔜 I will keep marketing Hive and see how it goes.

Hopefully HAF will help make Hive more accommodating for developers. We also have smart contract platforms being worked on.

Sorry for my ignorance what is HAF?

Unfortunately, there is a lot of centralization of data and companies, and this can be complicated, as soon as a lot of information is held by a few people and companies, this can become very delicate.
Unfortunately, data privacy and control is difficult, see the blackmirror episode that plays with an issue that in the future may be difficult to contain.
Hive really is a privacy security mode, this is an opportunity for it to grow even further.


The more we can get out for the masses, i.e. smaller companies to use, the better.

Corporation oligarchy will grow with AI. It will filter down, providing more power to individuals but they still will benefit more.

Great pick up mate! That's why I'm on Hive. I think this platform does things better

I am on Hive because they cant throw me off. LOL

Haha! That is an added benefit

I think not soon. But in the future people will begin to realize the true essence of decentralization and how valuable it is in the digital world.

2.1... We agree to be free sources for AI's learning curve. X is not a free service, it takes away our "gold" (data) and builds on that. It's highly important that we all understand what we engage in while using any web 2/3 platform/app/dapp.

You have provided an insightful and well-grounded perspective on the importance of decentralized databases like Hive in a world where large corporations increasingly control valuable data. Your analysis highlights the need for alternatives that empower smaller operators and promote diversity in access to information. Let's hope that one day those alternatives become a reality.

Web2 have amass much power to have attracted millions of users who barely care about data scrapping i think thats where the problem lies most don't even mind giving out such data, it basically mean this will continue for long until it starts dawning on most users that their privacy is been altered on web2 which could incentive them to look for best alternative which is hive web3 social platform.

Interesting changes to Terms of Service.
I admire Elon Musk for being transparent. Some may be upset about this, but as you state all the popular social media platforms are doing this, it's the current business model. So at least Elon is transparent, if you read the Terms of Service.

I am also intrigued by the API situation. I understand that is squeezing some platforms, but as the economy gets worse and budgets get tighter, it seems only natural that companies start trying to maximize their revenue. So allowing pay to play access to data via APis seems only nature. These are businesses, not charities. :)

Upvotes = #contentconsumerawards

Everyone has their own subjective reality. Personally, I would rather see a version of Hive that operates like the Dero privacy blockchain, where content cannot be scraped and used by AI algorithms than just have Hive's data feed AI because 'it's inevitable'.

There's huge potential in using a privacy based blockchain to run a social network and arguably the lack of privacy is one of the main reasons we don't have mass adoption here yet. This is actually something I almost never hear anyone discuss.

interesting. i am aware that it is possible to build an anon system into hive such that value transactions on chain can be anonymized. not sure about the content side of it however. But i presume its the same mechanism, as you are essentially just anonymizing the content references

There is an entire field of study behind the anonymity within encrypted information called homomorphic encryption, which was invented about 20 years ago and has been evolving since then. It allows calculations on encrypted information, without decrypting it. Pretty nuts.

Aside from that, I don't see a problem with encrypting posts on Hive just as we do already with encrypting memos. With some UI tweaks along with the necessary blockchain and middleware changes you would end up with a privacy system comparable to FB.

That is true but at what point are we at with that encryption and the training of AI without actually accessing the data.

And then, does that mean it will be open to smaller entities creating the system to use the data or is it a case where only the likes of FB can construct something like that.

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking here, but I'll reply to what I think you are asking :)

AI requires data to train it. If our own data is private and can only be unencrypted by the owners of the data or those they invite, then the AI can't use it and privacy is maintained. This might result in the Terminators not being able to defeat you when they finally arrive.


The privacy I am talking about can be built in to layer 1 on Hive. I have been discussing it with the original developer of the security on Hive/Steem.

You could be right on that although privacy is something that many talk about but few truly care. It is like account ownership: makes sense in theory but how many value it.

Judging by the numbers, not a lot.

Facebook, X and pretty much all other successful social networks implement privacy and it is a feature that is taken for granted. Their numbers show that privacy is a high concern, up to a point.