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RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | The Art of Decay

There is beauty, poetry and life in the emptiness of a place transformed by the absence of human action. The personification of change over time shows us a clear and explicit change between artificial human structures and processes originating from nature. This makes the place more beautiful over time.

Decay is a natural process and only proves that nothing is permanent. We have the beauty of the beginning, middle and end of something.

Another concept that is linked to the beauty of decadence is retro culture, created with the aim of transforming the old into new, associating the past with the beauty of the present and transforming the perspective of the place as a symbol of what it was in the past.

Nowadays, just as people age, objects, buildings and places created by humans go through this, it's a natural process. Aging is a gift, therefore, we can say that: there's beauty in decay.