Independent Candidate Winning The Mayor Race

in #news2 years ago


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This time a surprising result of race for Mayor comes from the birthplace of my wife. I was shocked knowing that this guy without any affiliation to any political parties won the race as a mayor for his place. The guy was even campaining alone giving voter pamphlet to the people and speaking alone along the street with mic. He didn't have a huge rally like other candidates who belong to a big political parties. While people remained silent during his campaigning they really gave him vote during the election day. People must have believed that this guy had a gut to do something. I also think that youth population played a great significant contribution in making him a winner.

Politics had always been a dirty game here in my country. A victory for such independent candidate is a huge thing for us. It gives us hope that something good will come. It also gives hope for more such people to stand for election next time and break this tradition of having this opportunity only by powerful people with no experience.


What is the current situation in Nepal? Similar to India?