An Appeal for Understanding and Cooperation

in #proofofbrain3 months ago

Hello, dear Hive community,

Today, I come before you with a heart full of hope and a mind eager for understanding. I've recently found myself in a rather unexpected situation – being blacklisted by the vigilant hivewatchers team.

This turn of events has prompted me to pause, reflect, and reach out to this wonderful community that I hold dear.

Firstly, I want to express my deepest respect for the rules and guidelines that make Hive such a vibrant and authentic space. The dedication to original content and the fight against plagiarism and abuse are what set this platform apart, and I genuinely admire that.

It's with a bit of embarrassment, however, that I admit my oversight. You see, the world of content creation is vast and intricate, and I've stumbled upon a facet I wasn't fully aware of – the nuances of AI-generated text.

My journey with content creation has always been driven by a genuine passion for sharing and learning. The excitement of crafting a post, the joy of engaging with others, and the endless opportunities for growth – all of it felt like a dream come true.

Yet, in my enthusiasm, I may have inadvertently stepped over a line I wasn't fully aware existed, by using AI-assisted content without understanding the implications fully.

I want to be clear: my intentions were never to undermine the principles of originality and integrity that Hive stands for. It was a lapse born out of ignorance, not defiance. And for this, I am sincerely sorry. The realization that my actions might have contributed to undermining the values of this community weighs heavily on my heart.

With humility and hope,





Hello. I've been following you for awhile and found this post in my own feed.

From a distance I saw what happened. I am not involved. I also had a feeling it would eventually happen, for a long time.

Never felt comfortable asking, though I could tell just by reading there were artificial elements present in the writing style. Because of that I did not support the work.

Notice how I said the work and not your work?

Just know the work is what's under scrutiny, not you. At least in my eyes. Can't call it your own creation if it was produced by AI. And I can't say to you, "Good job, I enjoyed your story." AI takes that ability away from me, if we're being honest.

I still believe you when you say you didn't do it to deceive others. Your reaction says a lot about your character. I can live with the fact you were playing the role of director more than a writer. At the same time, I saw others commend your writing and it took this long for you to come and tell them the truth. They're the ones who must accept your apology, if they see it. At the same time, in this strange world we all find ourselves in, one can't know for sure if the compliments were authentic. That's life, I guess.

I hope you stick around and I hope you can bounce back from this. I'm sure the opportunity to start fresh and build your audience with your writing still exists. And I have a feeling this community will be encountering many situations just like this in the future. So learning how to handle it properly is good experience for all.

Have a good day. Wishing you all the best.

I hope you stick around and I hope you can bounce back from this.

Yes, surely. Thanks for your comment it was an uplifting spirit reply btw

I enjoyed what I read of the series, but I felt it was really rushed. Any one of the chapters should have easily been at least a 10k word standalone series (preferably split into around one or two thousand words per post).

I didn't want to critique their approach. Simply commenting on the issues at hand. Trying to show it's not the end of the world. Impressed with the genuine response here. Didn't want to see another one kicked to the curb.

I genuinely thought it was written by a person. Hopefully Rak7 will find the inspiration to create without AI. Honestly that AI written story would make a great prompt to write from.

I can see how AI could be used as an inspirational tool. Even then, one doesn't know how much came from the imagination. Even here, I don't know if the whole thing was AI generated or combination including imagination. Afraid to ask. Why do these questions even have to come to mind nowadays? What's happening to the arts is a tragedy. Can't trust what you see anymore when it comes to the work.

Why do these questions even have to come to mind nowadays?

Because the bot was coded in a way that it can actually write a whole story, instead of just giving ideas :( ... I love writing from prompts, like the ones in Freewriters and the Inkwell. Never tried it from the bots, but it seems like it should be fine. So long as the bot isn't doing the actual writing.

What's happening to the arts is a tragedy.

Agreed. We have so many ways to create. And countless ways to share our work. But our species is still making a mess of it.

Typical humans.

I think, it will be good to discuss with them and take corrective actions.

Well, you made a mistake, and this apology shows that you are genuine, so I am sure that you can sort it out with hivewatchers. I think that they have an appeal system, so try to sort it out.

Here's the thing, a lot of people don't realise most of us aren't writers, or bloggers, or whatever, by trade. We found this place, and are all doing our best to write, create, engage, and learn/ teach eachother where possible. Sometimes articles can be rough around the edges, but that's part of the charm sometimes.

I'm sure everyone would rather read work by amatures trying to get better, and becoming better over time, as opposed to reading AI content. I know which type of content I prefer to read anyway.

When you finish your appeal, I hope you can get back into the swing of things. It's good that you apologized, and owned up to the mistake.

There are plenty of people who have made mistakes and came back from it.

Thanks, you supported our post since day 1. I admire all your help

Good to know that you were able to realize your mistake and I’m glad you are ready to take a bold step correcting them

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

I'm honest I often read your posts and when I found out they were written by AI I was a little disappointed because I thought there was a human writer behind it.
I am by no means against the use of AI because it is a real revolution in so many areas but here on Hive if I spend time reading and curating a post I prefer to read content even with writing errors but on which I can interact and compare with the human author.
Also consider that if we all used AI Hive would become a virtual place where only bots would exist to write and comment and the value of Hive would soon become 0.
Having said that I think that there are no perfect humans and apologizing is always an act of strength and that is why I appreciated this post of yours and I will gladly read your next posts without AI which like this post of yours will have much more value.
To err is human but not all humans know how to admit their mistakes and the best thing is to restart and learn from mistakes and I wish you the best for this new beginning of yours here on Hive!

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It's very sad. I am also understand the process of 30 days 30 post without any payment. Hope everything will be ok soon. I also made some mistakes like making AI generated post. Let's make it happen together. Best of luck for us. 😅

It's just a fact that the way we're seeing AI technology grow today and there's a lot of rigor on it, these things are going to have to be considered by all of us because we've all been doing this for a long time. There is a line at the top of the platform. If things like this happen, then our account is at risk. We should also look at our past progress. If we make a mistake, we must forgive it once or twice so that we don't get worried and we also don't go into depression because we have a long hard work.