Pu Sang Waterfall, the only warm waterfall in Thailand

in #travel2 months ago

Normally, when talking about “waterfall", everyone knows that it’s cool and cold, right? But, today I will take you to experience another waterfall that will make you say “WOW”...

It’s named Phu Sang Waterfall.

Phu Sang Waterfall or what many people call “Namtok Oun”.

Namtok means waterfall

Oun means warm

It’s located in Phu Sang National Park, Phayao province, in the North of Thailand.

The specialty is that Phu Sang Waterfall is the only warm waterfall found in Thailand.

The temperature reaches 35 - 36 degrees Celsius. It’s not cool and cold like other waterfalls…. WOW!

Phu Sang Waterfall is located in the Doi Pha Mon mountain range and is caused by warm water flowing from the limestone cliffs. It is about 25 meters high and has water flowing all year round.

The pool under Phu Sang Waterfall is clean without the smell of sulfur, so it’s good for soaking in the water to keep yourself warm and comfortable.

I believe that a change of scenery can recharge your batteries and brighten your life.

Let’s go visit Phu Sang Waterfall and prove it by yourself.


Greetings @tangmo ;

What a lovely day-out indeed....thank you for the description of it's benefits.

So very interesting. ^__^

Kind Regards,


Many thanks for your nice comment. I'm very happy that you found it interesting. ;)