Wrackoo fanart for Holozing .

in Holozing Community15 days ago


Today, I am posting about a new piece of my artwork. This artwork features a grass-type creature from Holozing named Wrackoo. It resembles a raccoon but with my own unique twist. I draw it as a street fighter and trying to create something a bit different. To do this, I used Illustrator software. I am not sure everyone will like it or not , but I hope you do.

While browsing designs on Pinterest, I was inspired by some pictures and decided to create something similar.

First, I made a sketch based on a fighter's body style, then I drew a raccoon head on it. I tried to use the original colors of Wrackoo for the color scheme and dressed it in street fighter attire. For the background, I used a free image from Freepik background image . Here are some pictures of the drawing process. I hope you like it. Thank you!

anigif 3.gif