

This was a beautiful post and a moving entry
You inspire with your music and energy
A mentor of mine once told me that Forgiving is For Giving...
So give it freely while you're still living...

Thanks of the profound moment you have created
Stay sharp, stay vigilant, and motivated

-@Verbal-D Official Vibes Judge

Thanks so much @verbal-d
It's a beautiful thing to forgive and be free.
Even for health too.

You're very welcome, I agree wholeheartedly

Beautiful cover.. I really love this song btw 😍

Thanks so much.

You did really well with this cover and you play your instrument so well. Kudos to you.

Thanks Rukkie..
Hehe. My instrument sounded well too.

I love how you connected the dots between Jesus' teachings and the importance of forgiveness in our daily lives. I can relate to how forgiveness can be a game-changer.
Lovely entry.

You re welcome
Thanks for watching.

Forgiveness is a game changing power for real. .
We have it and we shouldn't stop using it.

I always liked this song and you had me when you pointed to Jesus' message in your post even before I even listened ❤️... Also, Up Nepa!!!