Stuck in a Rut Doodle

in Alien Art Hivelast month


Stuck in a rut, trying to change the pace, trying to grasp straws for that elusive inspiration but nothing. It hate it but one recent advice I'm trying out is just post it even when I want to delete it.

I doodle several iterations of the same idea before committing to one. This is still a doodle. An attempt to get myself out of the art block. In a rut and nothing seems to help. No concept used, just shoving out ideas into a mesh and see how it looks.

I changed my canvas from 3000x3000 to 512x512, why? trying to work on smaller size files but it didn't look quite right. I'll be sticking to 3000x3000 next time.



I thought about doing time lapse videos for the creation process but doing that is more of a chore than part of the hobby. Maybe if I get better and somehow it gets insta-worthy, I might.

My other social media pages: DeviantArt, Instagram, X, and Facebook

Posted on my ArtofAdamada


Do you ever feel like the chore aspects of your hobby diminish your overall motivation? Sometimes I do. I think it hinders creativity in one of the worst ways. If I had a bunch of the munnies, I would intermittently pay a personal assistant do all the chores. I believe that involvement in all aspects of our hobby or art’s final destination is important, but sometimes I just want to “enjoy it.” Just wanna do the hobby the/thing without having to fill out the form or wait for the blah blah blah to upload, create a new password, triple check the water mark. 😳

Do you ever feel like the chore aspects of your hobby diminish your overall motivation?

Yes, just enough to make me question on how committed I really am to be minding this trivial parts of content creation. It's these boring parts that take up some time ruins the momentum. Like video editing, I gave up when there's too many nuisances when my content is just producing PNG or JPEG images, but time lapse videos are what reels or tiktok likes to use so I'm missing out on some self promo if I don't learn that. I'm not interested in that, but I have to try, and it's a cycle of frustration that ultimately ties to trying ton make your hobby work.

Well said.
Putting promotional material together was almost fun in “the beginning”, but it eventually became a chore. I have a simple GIF app that also exports small video. This app simplifies some of the video content we dream of streamlining.
Ever meet a barista or someone that says they do graphic design or something like that? Ever start to fantasize about paying them to help promote your work? Are you rich yet? 😬

Also annoying, is the storage. Managing the digital storage and archiving takes fun out of it also. Oh, you mentioned that. He said you were using smaller file sizes to save space. I do that with rehearsal video and music audio files/projects. I reduce the files size and tolerate a smaller screen. 🗄️📁🗃️📂🗳️🗂️

This is dope bro!!!
Really 🔥


@adamada! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @seki1. (1/5)


The beauty of such a beautiful painting is further enhanced when the colors are added inside.

Thanks man!

Most welcome dear.

Hello, Follow the account on Twitter - X Alien Art Hive en X

Done and done~