Clandestine Lovers


How hot it is to desire each other
In the dark of night,
And not to look at each other in the light of day,
Clandestine lovers of a forbidden delirium.
How wild is each furtive encounter,
Each provocation whispered in the ear.
Even the subtlest incitement
Leads us to fall into pleasures divine.
In unexpected places we are consumed,
Toys of an overflowing passion.
We love the danger of being discovered,
To eat us without other souls knowing.
We are clandestine lovers feverishly,
Burning in unspeakable desires.
Lust unleashed in the shadows,
Delicious sin of which we have no regrets.

 17 days ago  

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A poem that gives us a good glimpse of the erotic and the forbidden. Greetings.

The forbidden tastes like glory sometimes, very cool poem I really liked the play on words you used there, thanks for sharing it