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RE: Case Study: HBD Savings Delegation

in LeoFinancelast year

Hey, what a great post.

I run a small investment fund here on HIVE and one of my investors recommended this post to me. Im glad i had just sat down with a fresh coffee, 6000 words!

Adding use cases for HBD would be ideal. I have used HBD in the past to collect for charity, collect for raffle tickets and to collect money for community group investments. I have used it as a hedge against a declining HIVE price and I even released HBD bond around a year back which was a failed project.

What I found out is there are just not enough users on HIVE to get the most out of what the blockchain can offer. We have free fast transactions and SMT's but most people are only interested in enriching themselves by chasing upvotes and airdrops.

I do like the idea of being able to delegate HBD or set up recurring payments as we can with HIVE but im not sure exactly how many people would use the feature. Since recurring payments were set up, I have coded up 3 bots for 3 tokens to issue tokens when a recurring payment is received but the vast amount of people still use hive-engine. This could have been lazy promotion on my part in hindsight.

Your proposal is very well written, makes alot of sense and would be another excellent feature to add to HIVE's arsenal but I think you're ahead of your time. If 10% of users were to use a feature like this, it's still only hundreds of people. You mentioned there are only 5 million HBD in savings which is a small number for something that's stable most of the time and pays out a 20 APY. We need more users and exchanges that will create pairs with HIVE. A few famous people shilling it would help as well but now im dreaming, lol.

Thank you for sharing this, you have planted a few seeds in my mind. I have sent you a few SPI tokens instead of giving you an upvote for this post.



I'm glad you had a fresh coffee in front of you before devouring this!

First off, thanks for taking the time to read, and sharing your thoughts and especially your experience about this field. Secondly, thank you very much for the 5 SPI tokens! I actually was planning to purchase some SPI, but still had to do some research. I'm sure this is a good start to help me remind myself to read more about Spinvest.

You've tried out plenty of stuff I see! The raffle tickets remind me of PancakeSwap's raffle, which brings me to their beta Pottery. Instead of paying for raffle tickets, you delegate CAKE to the pool which generates more CAKE, that same CAKE is being distributed through a weekly-lottery with tickets, whereas the delegated amount determines the amount of tickets. This could be done quite similar with this feature of HBD. I'm not sure why people would do that :), but then again... you do point out that people are mostly incentivized to enrich themselves, which is unfortunately true.

Also, for example, @arcange is asking people around, placing bot comments under blog posts that ask to support his proposal(s). While some people see this as a reminder, many (including myself) think it's a bit blunt to ask people for our Networks money without a transparent report on how much the costs are (unlike @jarvie from PeakD, who include a transparent list of costs (I applaud him for that)). This feature could exactly help Arcange, or when anyone's proposal isn't getting funded, to achieve funding on individual level without paying with valuable DHF funds. And build a culture that supports their service/product. This is simply because I believe that the $5MM locked in HBD is a bit on the lower end to support and stabilize HBD in the long run. This is a risk to consider, including a use-case to stress-relief the DHF and the network's funds.

Thanks again for sharing your insight and feedback!

A few famous people shilling it would help as well but now im dreaming, lol.

Me too...