Weekend-Engagement Week #206: Dumb Ways I Got Hurt As A Child... XD

in Weekend Experiences14 days ago (edited)

I'm an only child and I grew up with really strict parents. However, even though they were strict they didn't really stop me from experiencing what it was like to be a child. Although limited, I got permission to play outside with my cousins. I was allowed to climb trees, play some sports, and so on... as long as it's nearby.

Children often forget about their surroundings when they're enjoying, right? There's this one story that I can never forget because it was too funny despite me getting hurt.


This is a guava fruit... I don't have a guava tree photo, but this would do as a representation. lol

My cousins (three boys) and I were playing in our usual playing space near my grandma's house. Our neighbor had some turkeys back then and one of my cousins started agitating them. The turkeys were free to roam in the compound. They got angry that they started attacking my cousin. He ran towards us and we all started running away from the turkeys.

We ended up in our grandma's backyard. There are some trees in the backyard, but for some reason we all climbed up the same guava tree. Guava trees aren't strong enough to take on the weight of four kids, so the branch broke and all four of us ended falling from the tree and straight into the turkeys.

Luckily, the adults came and took away the turkeys. Of course, we were all scolded even though it was initially one of my cousins' fault. hahaha

I have a couple more stories to share...


This next story happened one summer when I visited my father's hometown. I was outside my grandparents' store on a bike similar to the photo above. I was much younger than I was in this photo.

My uncle was on the driver's seat while I was playing at the back of the side car attached to it. Nope, I wasn't sitting in the proper seat. I was hanging like a monkey at the back. My uncle didn't notice me doing that, so he suddenly got up from the driver's seat and the whole vehicle flipped. I hit my head on a rock and bled. lol

It wasn't that huge of a wound, though. I only got a couple stitches on my head after that... but the funny thing was, when I was at the emergency room, I couldn't stop crying. The doctor asked my mom what my favorite show was... and that time, it was Power Rangers. So, when the doctor did the first stitch he shouted, "POWER RANGERS!!!!"

I don't think I calmed down after that, though. hahaha XD



The photo you see above is my back. I'm a keloid former, so yeah... xD

This scar was from a wound I got when I was around 6 years old. So it's been more than 25 years ago. The reason I got this scar is so dumb.

In the 90s, we usually listened to music using some cassette tapes. For those who don't know, a cassette tape has two sides. And you need to manually flip it to the other side to continue playing the songs.

I was listening to some nursery rhymes that time and it was time to flip the tape. Our cassette player was in a higher place, so usually my parents would do it for me. However, I was impatient and couldn't wait. I took out a chair and climbed. I think you can guess what happened next. haha

I fell down from the chair and my back landed on the glass table in our living room. Yaaaay!!!

My parents rushed me to the emergency room afterwards and I got around seven stitches for this (if I remember correctly). During that incident, of course, I was crying and was in pain... but the day after, I told my parents... Poor table.

Since then, we didn't have any glass table in the house for a long time. hahaha

As an adult, I'm not sure if there were any dumb instances... aside from falling in love with the wrong person. JK!!!! That's all for this post. See you around!!! (^^,)/


Ahh, had the same experience with that turkeys and it wasn't fun!

Turkeys are scaryyyyy, aren't they??? 😰😰😰
