Different Kind Of Art

in Photography Lovers28 days ago

As I mentioned in one of my previous post, the last exhibition I visited, had two artists' work, very different type of art I must mention. If you missed my post, it's not too late, check out the artworks I posted about because they are truly exceptional.

Today I'd like to show you something different, something I've never posted about till now and to be honest, I've never seen at any exhibition either. My knowledge about this is limited, or should I say non existent, but I'll do my best to share what I think about it.

What I'm going to show you today is a stone collection belonging to Gábor Cseh. The interesting thing about this exhibition, besides the stones was that each stone had a title.


I'm going to give you the titles of the stones, going from left to right.

The fist on the left is called Lady With A Bun.
The second is Composition.
The third is Motherhood.
The last one is Composition.

If you have a closer look, you can really see what the titles mean.

At first I thought these are sculptures, but I was wrong. This is a stone collection, which means these stones mostly have been shaped by mother nature. This means the artist or the collection owner has picked them up, collected them based on their shape and what they may mean.

Lady With A Bun really looks like a lady with a bun. Motherhood is mind blowing honestly.

Now imagine yourself walking at a place where there are stones. Walking slowly and looking at the stones to see if you can fund any interesting ones and if you do, try to recognize what it resembles to. It seems like a fine game, but you also need good eyes and a good dose of imagination to be able to give them a title, based on what they look like.


From left to right:
Leafy Tree, this s actually a lovely one. It reminds me of those trees you see in books for kids.
Heavy Stone and trust me, it looks heavy.
Trianon, this has a historical meaning. Trianon is known for the Treaty of Trianon.

The treaty regulated the status of the Kingdom of Hungary and defined its borders generally within the ceasefire lines established in November–December 1918 and left Hungary as a landlocked state that included 93,073 square kilometres (35,936 sq mi), 28% of the 325,411 square kilometres (125,642 sq mi) that had constituted the pre-war Kingdom of Hungary (the Hungarian half of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy). The truncated kingdom had a population of 7.6 million, 36% compared to the pre-war kingdom's population of 20.9 million. Though the areas that were allocated to neighbouring countries had a majority of non-Hungarians, in them lived 3.3 million Hungarians – 31% of the Hungarians – who then became minorities. The treaty limited Hungary's army to 35,000 officers and men, and the Austro-Hungarian Navy ceased to exist. These decisions and their consequences have been the cause of deep resentment in Hungary ever since. source

The last one is Man With A Bag.


What do you think the first on the left is? Love. What do you think? Does it look like love? More important, would you have spotted it among other stones? Would you have picked it up? This is where imagination and talent shows.

The second is Sad Shepherd. This one left me speechless, because I would have never guessed the title, or the meaning, but I admire the talent.

The third one is Figure.
The fourth is Madonna. This was a lovely one, I liked it a lot. I see it as rough art.

When you think of how these stones were shaped, things get more interesting. Depending on the density and the hardness of the stone, it can be shaped by water, sometimes strong wind as well. However, these changes happen over a very long period of time and we're not talking about one century or two.


These were a bit different from the others, due to the bronze paint.

The first on the left is Snail, and it really looks like a snail.
The one in the middle is Erotica and I must admit, it's a brilliant one. I wonder where did the artist find it.
The last one is Naked.


Initially I wanted to give you the title of these too, but then I thought, let's play a fun game. I'll let you tell me the title of these tree. Let's see what you see here.


Stone Pillar, which is made of 4 stones.
Baby Stone.
Sleeping Lady.


Lady With A Scarf, this is so meaningful. Old ladies from the countryside are wearing scarves and some of them actually look like this stone. However, I'm not sure I would have seen the connection on my own, without reading the title.

This exhibition kind of opened my eyes and showed me there is this type of art too. It's a bit different from what we're used to, but for me it's just as important.

Let's see what you think. Have you ever seen such an exhibition?

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



I have always liked to see art exhibitions and although I am not an expert either, I must say that without the title of each work I would not have understood perfectly what I wanted to convey, but after reading the name, everything made more sense and I took the shapes of the rocks to the title. It is interesting to observe the different forms of art to express something.

I must say that without the title of each work I would not have understood perfectly what I wanted to convey, but after reading the name, everything made more sense and I took the shapes of the rocks to the title.

I wouldn't say you would have not understood the meaning. maybe you would have understood something different. After all, it comes down to each individual to interpret what they see, how they see it and that's the beauty of art.

Thanks for stopping by @naitreart and have a nice weekend!

Oh, but Miss Stone hasn't seen this? 😅

Dolphin is the same as in Spanish (Delfín).

I don't know if she has seen it or not, but the dolphin is thee same as in Spanish (Delfín) 😁

I want to celebrate soon my entry into the delfinario, by the way. Hahaha... a hug Erikah.

I loved this exhibition you showed us today. I can only imagine how long it took this artist to find those rocks with such interesting signatures and above all how well he named each one of them. I will try to name the three rocks you left, to see if by any chance I get close to the names given by the artist 🤭.

First on the left: Concerned
The middle one: Hug
The one on the right: Sun

I don't know how long it took him to collect these stones, but I think if you go to a place where there are a lot of stones, especially at a riverside, you can pick up some interesting ones.

Haha, interesting titles and more interesting is that Steven below gave me a totally different interpretation. Let me give you the ones from the exhibition.


I was recently collecting rocks to decorate and share in the community of Mipiano. It took me hours to find a few suitable ones. So I imagine it must have taken the artist quite some time to gather these.

Hahahaha, well...something more or less similar I saw on those rocks.

The person concerned thinks a lot 😆.
Dancers give each other hugs 🤭.
He saw the moon and I saw the sun 😉.

Thanks Erikah, I had a lot of fun with this creative exercise.

Happy weekend 🤗

Interesting exhibit. Its cool to find natural art but I also like the subtle adds like the paint or the support in the Snake. The three untitled challenge... alien head, flow, and the golden egg.

Yes, a bit of help from the owner is always welcome, makes it more interesting :)

The three untitled challenge... alien head, flow, and the golden egg.

Haha, interesting titles. let me give you the ones from the exhibition.


What do you thin? 😁

well... I think I saw the head in the first and the movement in the second, but not even close on the last one lol

No worries, it's a good game anyway :)

Gee, this is something new for me too... I mean, I've seen some artistic works based on stones before, but this is the first time I've seen something where stones in such an elementary state, are the very basis of the work... But why not?... I think this is very good!...

You always have such interesting artistic findings!... Our "#Hive tireless art explorer!" :)

Thanks a lot for sharing @erikah friend!!!

!discovery 44

Most likely it is new to many people, but I'm glad such exhibition exists to be honest. It's a very simple form of art and mother nature deserves most of the credit, but it challenges your mind in a good way.

Have a fantastic weekend my friend :)

@erikah! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (4/5)

I would like to ask why did you downvoted my latest blog post?

I found this exploration of the stone collection exhibition to be truly fascinating. It's remarkable how something as simple as a stone can evoke such depth and meaning when viewed through the lens of artistic interpretation. Each stone's title provided a glimpse into the artist's perspective and invited me to see the world in a different light. The creativity and imagination required to identify these shapes and assign them meaningful titles are truly commendable. This experience has broadened my understanding of art and reminded me of the beauty that surrounds us, even in the most unexpected places.

It's remarkable how something as simple as a stone can evoke such depth and meaning when viewed through the lens of artistic interpretation.

That is very true and comes down to the ability of each individual. Some are able to see nice things in them, while others just don't understand, even after reading the title. It's ok though as art is not for everyone.

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Fina små stensatuetter. Jag har jobbat själv med sten när jag va ung!