Many people doesn't like rain, but I do.
It gives us fresh air, rest, new energy and a new page of life.
After the rain nature is different, sky is different, and mood of people is different as well.

This walk happened some days ago just after the rain. It was huge heavy rain, and we didn't hope to go out that day, but it stopped, and I felt the walk would be just wonderful.

And yeah! Just look what we saw near the sea!
The sky was magically beautiful! And rainbow! I was eager to catch it that day, and yeah, my Universe gave it to me;)

Enjoy my shots and feel my mood:


magically beautiful is the right phrase for this... I love rain, I agree with everything you say it means and about moods. What beautiful shots you have taken, that rainbow is perfect. Thanks for sharing this and what you think about rain. Have a nice start of the week @taliakerch ✨🙂

!discovery 35

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some people say that rain is tears of nature.
But are tears always bad? When people cry, they let their emotions go out, and after tears we always feel relief. So maybe tears are good?
They make us clean, calm, recharged and relaxed.
Just like rain for nature;)

Your words are poem ❤️ I believe that tears are good, they are a kind of cleanser for the soul 🥰✨

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