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RE: Blooms in the balcony

The asiatic jasmine looks so pretty! Your photos are too! I really thought it rained at first but then you mentioned you sprayed on them to have the "watery" effect LOL
I'm also not good at plants, they die in my hands after few weeks. Most of the time I'll forget about them. 😂 I hope you won't forget about them like me!


It's really pretty! It almost look like flowers even, because it's mostly green then would have pink and white leaves on them. I think the fear of them dying helped me to not forget them lol. I also plan to fill the house with indoor plants too since the air really feels heavy so pretty sure I won't forget about them once I already have a lot of indoor reminders haha

Make sure that they will be always in your sight! so you won't really forget about them hahaha