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RE: Blooms in the balcony

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

Maybe the birds since there are 2 types of birds that live on the roof of the house

Idk but it looks more like cuts made by insects. It might be a locust or a sort of grasshopper (a beetle?) flying to have lunch and then go.

Non-tropical plants, like roses, aren't easy to grow in the tropics. Some varieties of roses grow well in Bangkok though (with the care of gardeners).


Ahh maybe that too. But damn why the roses🤣 they probably liked the taste haha. Hopefully I can have more so I can invite the other pollinators 🐝 Mew would love that sight!

I was also doubtful when I brought this home considering it was cold from where we got it from, which surprised me it lived lol. I was also thinking what if they have found some way to mutate these non tropical plants to grow here… but dunno if we’re that advanced yet


Someone, who'll make it one day, will become a millionaire. There are so many cool flowers in the North, many of them start blooming before the rest even become green after the winter cold and snow isn't an obstacle for some of them.

UPD: I just wanted to see if locusts eat roses on Youtube and then came across this, leafcutter bee:

Start at 1:26