Insane sane sanity and its effect on an overthinking mind.

A win for me today but at a cost.

I am a cynic as I have grown into to the man that I am today. The cost to my sanity t times I question why I have become like this but it is probably because I have seen the effects of not being dubious to everything happening around me. I mean how can one not become a cynic when most things makes me feel naive if I give my trust to things I am getting things done around me.

This has become even more so as I progress into getting my things in order for my permanent stay here in the Philippines.

My mum always tells me to calm down when I describe what is happening as I am sounding flustered. When I do start telling her in a calm voice she also shakes her head and agrees with me the over complication of things being processed for me. I mean it is not me doing the walking ab out to get paper work in order.

As an example, the container was inspected today. Instead of Custom asking for my keys to the container they just go ahead and cut them up to open it. Now I am less two very expensive locks I purchased from Australia so my container is secure when it is here where I am going to store it. The locks are part of my personal belongings and me not being invited to provide the keys to allow them to open it without breaking my property I am just expected to bare the cost for breakage of my property to go inside my secure property to begin with.

Being treated like a suspected criminal for illegal importation of goods that do not even exist. And to top it off the justification is they are customs and they can do what they well damned please. I am so confused when this country is so into protecting what is personal property yet there is a bureaucratic system allowing this to happen with no transparency as to what they are implementing into its own processes. What is up with that?

I have also been told that the customs guys had already X-ray'd my container and just wanted to open it without even going inside it to look at the things inside the container. It was as if they were just bored and wanted to ruin two good locks deemed as personal property, I guess this country has too many criminals in all levels of life that the thought of actually damaging someone's own property is deemed nothing to who ever has a power trip. Advised it was selected for a random check. I bet.

Well I am always trying to find the silver lining in everything that is happening around me, my container has passed customs and will be released tomorrow.

Anyway I am signing this off since it's finally off my chest and I have had time to process it and seen the good side of this crazy rigmarole into my already insane sane sanity.

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Philippine customs? A lot of scary stories are circulating within cyberspace about how they handled the package. This isn't an isolated case, Aku. Be proud haha you are now included in the numbers.

Kidding aside, our services here suck, from mishandled and delayed baggage, hays they never improve.

I'm all for people earning their keep. Now I'm having issues with the broker i first approached, they actions something with the shipping container company and are ignoring my calls. I stopped authorisation them when i suspected they were inflating the costs for customs clearance and even made it almost impossible for me to get my container by telling them I'm carrying illegal items. They were charging me 250k for all the costs when i asked around i found out it was only half of the quote they gave me so i questioned them and they were giving me more stories and things to try to scare me in the hopes i don't question and just hand over money to them. I cut my toes and now they are holding onto documents from the shipping company for release papers. I had enough so i went straight to the company and lucky for me I've been in contact with them constantly and not relying on one contract so i was able to get the copy of the release papers to get my container.

What a douche.

Again I'm all for earning your keep, I'm not supporting sneaky fees to maximize their returns.

What a douche

Welcome to the Philippines Aku. No other words to express to such disappointment.

Partida ang dami na revamp na ginawa within the brokers, customs and other people revolving this trade pero wala they still do it.

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 16 days ago  

Sadly these things are common in countries where there’s a fair bit of corruption. Glad you got your stuff released!