Finding The Right Creative Space

in #hive13 days ago (edited)

We are in the era of content creation and I see how it's become easier for individuals to share their passion through words, videos, music and more with the rest of the world with just a click. Thanks to the rise of social media. With the digital era, I think creativity knows no bounds. It's interesting to see how the landscape of content creation has evolved.

Few years back, sharing your passions with the world seemed like a distant dream, It was just reserved for those with special talents or connections. In the case of writing it was for the literary elite, video production and editing was for the tech-savvy, and platforms like YouTube were dominated by professional creators with massive followings.

Today we see the rise of many similar platforms paving way for more content creators to also shine. Tiktok became a disruption to the status quo and ushered in a new era of content creation. Now anyone with a smartphone and a creative spark could become an internet sensation. Looks like you don't need much to be able to begin creating contents on Tiktok, perhaps one of the reasons people are loving its usage.

But even with the rise of platforms like TikTok, many creators still find themselves lost in its space. To be able to stand out on the platform of millions of users is no easy feat as you will need more time and interesting kind of contents to able to shine. With the many requirements one would need to meet to be able to shine on some platforms, I always see the edge that Hive gives.

Hive unlike these mainstream giants operates on a different model. I think Hive's edge lies in community over clout and rewards for engagement over follower counts. It can be quite easier for serious-minded individuals to make the most of the contents they create as Hive offers authentic rewards to creators.

Let's be honest, creating awesome content is no easy feat, it takes so time and effort. For most users on maintraim platforms with no huge following, their efforts often go down the drain of no recognition and no rewards. Hive lets you ditch the frustration of feeling undervalued. For most of us already exploring , I guess it is the sense of inclusivity that endears us more to explore each day.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of their level of experience in content creation. I would say it's good for both seasoned creators and those just starting out journey in content creation and more. Hive is a refreshing departure from the centralized model that dominates the digital landscape, which gives users more control over what they own, their data and content.

Hive might not be a household name, but its potential is huge.
Hive may not be very enticing to new users, as it is not hyped up like some other platforms out there, but it's a nice space where creativity could flourish without the pressure of algorithms or likes. Hive has the potential to empower creators even more.

It is not a household name yet, but for those seeking a space that values creators and rewards for their work, it's the right gold mine waiting to be explored. Hive like any other platform has it share of challenges. I wouldn't say it's an easy sail for everyone, but the rewarding experience it provide is better than most platforms that support creators.

Although starting as a new user could be challenging but it's likely to gain recognition, and the potential to earn something for your work is sure. Hive has not yet reached the same level of mainstream adoption especially when compared to the vast reach of platforms like YouTube or TikTok,but for me,Hive benefits far outweigh them. Social media is just an aspect of the bigger picture I see with Hive. Hive blockchain and ecosystem is something much more and just the right place for anyone seeking better, more rewarding experiences.


It's been some time since I've been at an expo kind of miss it!

It was dope! last year, look forward to having another experience this year

Every Hivian should do this,,, I will definitely do the same thing, just waiting for my Exams to come to an end... So, I'll be free after that...
I will spread awareness of Hive... Everyone should have knowledge about it...

You're welcome, let's keep Hive-ing!

@nabbas0786! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @collinz. (1/20)

!luv ❤️

The advancement of the social media and it's benefits cannot be overemphasized, but then, hive is completely different. It gives hope to hopeless passions.

Hive takes creators to the next level

@ernesto6402! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @collinz. (2/20)

Thank you so much

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I love how serious you take the introduction and study of Hive in Ghana, since I believe it’s a key for the development in the future. It absolutely takes time to create good content, but if you learn how to do, and if your profile (or any profile) has a goal, and a message beyond nice pictures, then you are more than a content creator, you are an actor in society that is sharing a message of change.
