“Fading Away”

in #poem14 days ago


A slowly dripping droplet on the pane of my window
Reminding me of the pains that I went through in the past
The times when I barely last a single day without having doubts
Painting my thoughts with grey colors of my miseries

The mysteries keep giving the doubts that’s not necessary
Making me feel that I no longer exist in the thoughts of the ones I love
Inevitable yet it didn’t continue to happen as I step out of the darkness
Yearning for light that may not even shine even if I needed it

What is my reason for being me and taking this path?
A question that I dare to answer because I have no clue
Without a spare time to think about the reasons of my existence
A life that only exist in a kaleidoscope the never rotates

As stagnant as it can be, I will never learn about myself
No matter the amount of effort I put in this journey
The reasons will never be brought up and will never be realized
Taking each and every thing that makes me who I am is fading away…



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