“Silent Refuge”

in #poem19 days ago


A thick mist on my window panes has clouded my view
It has prevented me to see further beyond my reach
Every bit of my thoughts were clouded as I glimpse into the past
Will I ever feel the life that I once felt long before the tragedy?

I miss the days when we talk about the moments we had
When you finishes my sentence before I even gathered the words
The times when we share each other’s warmth during the cold nights
The moments that makes us appreciate the life we have

Let’s bring the flame that ignited every possibilities in this journey
To make things happen was once the center of our talks
Talking about the possibilities was the only thing matters to us
Providing us with the inspiration that we need to get through tough times

Can I have the peace that I need in this journey?
When will this noise be brought down so all I can hear is silence
An invisible clutter annoys my tired thoughts
Let me have the serenity that I have been dreaming all these years…



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