
in #update4 months ago (edited)


Hey Hive!

As some of you know, a lot of things have changed these last couple of months. It has been a slow paced ride, and just earlier today, I finally have got the chance to write something again.


I've been spending 3 months in Turkey during the Summer of 2023. Which was well needed. I had the opportunity to stay with my best friend, and have gotten to learn more people who I can now call my friends. This is where you guys still saw some updates from me, but not much long after, I went missing in action. So yeah, here's a quick update. Rather a personal one. Sharing is caring eh :)). I'm so thankful for having that one friend who always has her door open for me. Even if its on the other side of the world :).

Breakup / Reconnecting with myself

While the relationship that I had with lackofcolor was a good one, the road to her recovery kinda got the better of us. It took a big toll on myself, and my own well-being. After spending two plus years in a situation that was harsh. I kinda forgot about myself along the way, and lost a bit of myself. While she is currently stable, and doing well, it's now time to think about myself, and reconnect with myself once again. I now realize how much energy it took for me to keep up.

My best friend passed away

During the last week of September, my best friend passed away after battling cancer for 3 years. At the time of him informing me he applied for euthanasia, I was still in Turkey. I'm still having hardships when I think about his passing. He was always the guy that I called when things were going well, and when things went sideways. After he informed me, I immediately called my mother, to see if I could stay with them as I had plans to return back to Turkey in January. In the end, I ended up staying with Lackofcolor until I would either return to Turkey, or find a place for myself here in the Netherlands. Not the most ideal situation... Due to the stress, I accidently booked a ticket one month later, and found out on the date when I was supposed to fly (the plan in my head). I called the airport and tried to see what I could do. I was too late for his funeral, as it was on the same date of Tech-EX Amsterdam, and my arrival. Next week, there will be a show about him in the theatre, as he did some interviews talking about facing death, and more importantly: living life. I finally have some time and moments in my life where I can mourn his passing. Im sure that after going to his show, where many other old friends will be there as well, it will be a bit 'easier' for all of us to mourn his passing.

New job

When I arrived in the Netherlands, all the things were all over the place. Most of the things had my top-priority to address, but just like any other human being I only had 24 hours in a day. While living in a stressful environment, having a lot of pressure, and knowing I had to deal with a lot of stuff at the same time, I knew it would take a lot of energy for me to start applying for work. But: I got a new job, and I'm very grateful, and happy that I ended up working here. I'm doing exactly what I have been doing these past 15 years, but then with an entire team. Which means; cool clients, cool colleagues, and a lot of (personal) growth. It's my first job ever, so I'm not used to 9-5... but 2 months in, and I start waking up early. As one of my friends from Turkey said: Seems like you now have a reason to wake up. Which sounds about right.

New apartment

On top of that, within 3 months, I found a job, and a new apartment, which I'm currently setting up right now. Just brought back my laptop back home, as I have been using it at work, I can finally take care of things in a more swift manner.

And of course, there have been more personal things going on, so yeah... that's the update! Seems like I have been missing out on a lot of things @ Hive. Hopefully, I will have the time again to check my daily feed, and participate with making the network an even better place!

So yeah, definitely not gone, just got a lot on my plate.



Looks like lots of interesting things have happened in the past. Tomorrow holds greater things. Thanks for sharing this and l missed every bit of moment we spent together in Amsterdam. Your heart is just genuine to make everyone work well with you. I wish you the best in all @rubencress

Yeah man, it was nice meeting you McSamm! Did you know it was actually my friends funeral when we were kicking it off @ Tech-Ex? Loved our time, and I still have some shots of you in Amsterdam, waiting to be edited, thanks for being patient ;)

I'm so sorry about your friend, man. You've obviously had a very difficult few months. I hope the rest of the year is great for you. That's all I can hope for.

Thanks Incublus! Yeah man, haha... I realize how tired I am of all the efforts that were being made. 2024 is going to be amazing man. Just a few more months and I'm sure I'll be back on the saddle once again.

Good luck Ruben 🙏

You know what, I visited Efes Ancient City as you did man! It was amazing, please check it out, I would like to know how it looks like from a photographer's perspective.

Sorry to hear about your friend. Also, i'm glad you are not neglecting yourself and focusing on regrouping and getting your self together. I noticed you were M.I.A. but figured life just got busy. Apparently, it was much busier than i realized. I'm always around if you ever need to talk with someone Rube. Hit me up on Discord anytime browski.

Not gonna lie, but it still affects me on a daily basis. We got a theater show for him next week Saturday which is probably going to kick in hard. Hehe, this is half of the list what is going on right now. Just a few know more, but then again, we don't have to share everything right :) Nice to see you here in the comment section homie. <3

Sometimes life really throw to us what we least expect and desire. We must always be strong to keep going no matter what. Glad to see you back after many months and your friends really missed you

True, a few tests of endurance here and there, why not, right? Appreciate the kind words Precab :)

You need to put yourself together so you can be the lively person you used to be and that’s mainly because of the breakup and also the loss of your best friend
The year is still quite fresh and you can still make it a good and memorable one

Oh, I'm good nonetheless, just having a lot on my plate :P that's all. Thank you for the concerns. Absolutely, 2024 gonna be good.

That's a lot, congratulations on your new job and apartment. Sorry for the loss. It can be painful but be strong and hopeful because you still have more years to live

Thanks :)) I'm looking forward to do some cool stuff at the new work place, while slowly getting back to myself. Life is short, we just gotta make it work eh! Cheers

You are strong man. Life gives us the toughest battles to make us strong. 2023 was heal of a year for younger youyou yet you were with us on Hive.

We pray for more grace this year✊💥

Thank you for the kind words sir! 2024 is getting a good start so far :)

Sure. We pray for the best

We on the same page. My last several good years of not knowing what is 9to5 job.... Keep us updating of how it goes

I'm so sorry to hear about your friends passing Ruben, that is tough. But he is no longer suffering.
Wow so much has been happening, so much change, but I'm happy to hear that you have been taking care of you.
Sending you a huge hug xxxx