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RE: The Reset of a Planet- An Apparent Worldwide Disaster as Documented by the Painter Hubert Robert

in #art5 years ago (edited)

What a fantastic post! I'm endless fascinated with that mystery of how things were built in ancient times. I've never seen the paintings of Hubert, so many thanks for introducing them to me, they pull me in an indefinable way. It's as if...they're sparking a deeply buried memory, I can almost taste the air in them. It's like when a smell I can't put my finger on wafts past me and then is gone.


I get a similar familiar feeling from his paintings, they seem to trigger some faint recognition somehow. I've always been fascinated with old stone work anyway, so his stuff is magical to me. It looks like Hubert was around during a time when all the chunks were still laying around everywhere, like it was freshly tumbled, just long enough for small trees to start growing into everything. With so much evidence already that our official history is wrong, I have to keep an open mind as to how much time had passed since the previous civilization flourished all over the planet. It's my latest quest, trying to untangle the mystery based on old art and photographic evidence of what was really going on here before, and when.