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RE: The Reset of a Planet- An Apparent Worldwide Disaster as Documented by the Painter Hubert Robert

in #art5 years ago

Really interesting read @therealpaul. I hadn't though of modern building as 'backward evolution', but that certainly makes sense. You see it all the time. I came across the term 'planned obsolescence' in the book by Vance Packard called The Wastemakers, and questioned things breaking and parents just buying a replacement as a child. Lastly, that final painting with the bridge is fascinating, incredible that such dwellings were built on bridges. There was a painter (whose name completely evades me) that painted dark, megalithic city type apocalyptic scenes from the same era as Hubert that I really like too. Thank you for bringing Hubert Robert to my attention


I think I first heard of planned obsolescence when someone pointed out that the military has tires on their vehicles that will last forever, while the rest of us get these wasteful and costly replaceable ones.
I think that last painting is depicting what is called the Notre Dame bridge, the way that thing is built, I'll bet it's still standing today.