The Placebo Effect

in #art18 days ago

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day that was full of positive experiences! In this post, I would like to discuss a psychological topic and hope you can learn new things.

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One or the other may have already heard of the so-called placebo effect in the past, which describes the occurrence of an effect after a fake medical preparation has been giving without active ingredients and the amazing thing is that it can often trigger similar effects to the right ones. The effect of a placebo preparation can be seen on a psychological or physical level and it is often used as an additional supplement to normal therapies and it is unbelievable how interesting the results are and can greatly improve the effectiveness of therapies and it is important here that the patient does not know that he is taking an placebo and often, it is used in studies as a reference to check the effectiveness and person A is taking the right drug while person B, the placebo. An effect was also determined when patients even know that they consume a placebo preparation and the effect is divided into different areas and interesting is the effect on the subconscious which, for example, when we see a pill is linked to diseases from the past in which preparations have helped and people automatically put this into context when they see the placebo pill and also the statements of the doctor are added which ensure that you feel safer. It are all the circumstances that make the intake of such a preparation look authentic and often the setting plays a huge role and this is always to be considered individually and different areas in the brain become active that lead to a change in body functions and at the same time the immune system is also stimulated, which automatically results in our body fighting symptoms.

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The way of giving is also important and the color of the pills has an additional influence on the psyche and often pills with taste like sugar are given, which causes feelings of happiness and people like to take the placebo and if placebos are given in the form of other methods such as injections, there can be additional symptoms such as stress and pills have proven to be one of the most effective when it comes to placebos. There are other forms of placebos as with certain diagnoses and when you tell a patient that he is quickly healthy, he feels much better than when you make shock diagnosis in which the symptoms can often triggered even more and placebos can be related to almost all types of medical procedures and it is also interesting that it was found out that the placebos work more strongly when they have been given by a doctor than a nurse. Probably there is also a release of endorphins which are also produced during activities in which you feel good and this endorphins ensure that you feel good and the pain is relieved and due to the diverse methods of application of placebo drug, it is often possible to imitate the effect 1:1 and this is a good example of how the body's own functions are stimulated by human psyche. In some cases, placebos are used very specifically and this is particularly useful for treatments in which the side effects can often be very drastic and with the placebo effect, you can see that it is more than a phenomenon and the power of the own psyche is not to be underestimated and you always have to look at the topic individually and there is also a group of people where the results of placebos are negative and every person reacts very differently and there are numerous factors that influence the intake and some of them are often deeply anchored in the subconscious.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to read through my post and I hope you like it and can learn something new about this interesting topic, I used artificial intelligence to create these works of art!
