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RE: The Reset of a Planet- An Apparent Worldwide Disaster as Documented by the Painter Hubert Robert

in #art5 years ago

I believe in God and I believe in the big bang. My believe is that a world existed before creation and the big bang happened to restart everything. We might never get to know what really happened, we just have to live with that. I m guessing things made 1000 years ago lasted for a 1000 years because they believed the world would end by then, and from what's happening around the globe, those doing things now also believe the world would end pretty soon so there's no need to make things that would last a lifetime.

Posted using Partiko Android


It seems that God would always have an infinite amount of information- containing all that is- so even before any bang could happen of any size, there was already a universe that any and all bangs have happened within.
In the modern days, it's hard to imagine having the time or resources to build something that's made to last forever, but eventually new technologies might emerge that make such solid construction faster and more affordable.