Sometimes They Dance At Night

in #artlast month
Hello again... or for the very first time.
Here I am again, showing something fun I made while continuing to practice collaging. Still learning and stumbling around LOL !
This is a little 5 X 7 canvas board I had previously used when I did some sort of post in the last couple of years where I made 3 small "quickie" pieces of random art to illustrate whatever the heck I was talking about at the time. I have a basket of small canvas boards that I used in the past, trying different painty things, so once in a while I am using one of those and collaging over it. They are useless otherwise.
This time, all I knew before I started was that the project would have one or more dancing skeletons, because I had a new stencil ! Why else? The rest of it I made up as I went along.


Here is how it looked before I started. This was supposed to be me when I painted it, dancing wildly in the dark to some fun music, back when I could still hop all around like a crazy girl. I used to like to turn off all the lights in the evening, open the blinds to the moonlight and dance... and dance.... and dance. It was fun. It was one of those 15 minute paintings I made just for blogging.


....but now... it was time to practice something else and so I began to apply torn pieces of my hand painted collage paper.


.....and more....


Bye-bye dancing me. I let my head be the last part that was covered, it seemed only right.


After the initial layer of paper, I put on the piece of nearly transparent paper that I had colored multicolored squiggles on. When I made it, I had no idea what I would use it for or how it would ever fit in a project, so now I was seeing what it could do.


I also added a piece of sudoku page and a strip of a coloring book page I had written the ABCs on.


Then I added some drips and that black piece of rice paper with white circles I painted on it. The black piece got covered over eventually. It somehow didn't fit.... and of course, I added a dancing skeleton. Something about him made me smile and it seemed that the other random things i had done made it look like it was in the woods to me.


Not necessarily in sequence, I added some more pieces of the crayon colored, nearly transparent paper, which also seemed to make it look like trees in the shadow. Those black and white eyes?... were just laying on there as in the finished piece they landed on top right and then became a flying thing.
Also randomly, there seemed to be a moon shining in-between the trees, making the eerie glow


Of course if you are a skeleton dancing in the woods, probably escaping from some ancient grave.... you need a few haints to keep you company. Actually, until last night, this was just the background, the skeleton and two black flying things and it had been that way for a couple of weeks, because it stopped talking to me and I didn't know what else to put on it.
I was trying to work on a few pieces I have started, but not finished, instead of starting something else new 😂 when I remembered seeing some other artist put some transparent figures on a piece and that I had thought I should try that somewhere sometime and last night seemed to be the time. There actually are two ghosts that you can't see as I first used tea paper, that I was not so familiar with. It was basically right where you see the transparent figures now, but when it dried, they disappeared ! What? ...but isn't that what ghosts are supposed to do ?? Not in my art though... LOL
Anyway, I had to create them again on some deli paper which is also somewhat transparent, but doesn't totally disappear when dry.


I'm not sure this is really totally done, but this is probably all I will do with it, unless it starts talking again. I had fun working on it and learning what some of the papers will do. Like I said above, I was really surprised about the background paper that I had multi colored crayon squiggles on and how neat it was in this project I had wondered when I made it if it would ever fit in anywhere.
I'm posting a bit later in the evening than is normal for me. I had some supper after work and for some reason was sleepy, so I let myself drift off in my comfy chair. Now I'm ready to go again, so I'll be heading back to the art table for more fun.
I hope you have or are having a great weekend.
Love you ! Mean it !

The dancing skeleton is awesome. So jaunty!! 😀😀

I tried to decide if it looked like he was running away instead, once I added the ghosts.

He IS a happy one.

I knew exactly what the heck you're talking about. My favorite sudoku is on airplanes.

I'm glad somebody knows what I'm talking about, just in case I need a clue. LOL !!!!