What's In A Name?.... More Fun Exploring

in #art β€’ 28 days ago
Happy Monday ! It is for me, because I am not working, but I am getting paid for it. πŸŽ‰ That's pretty hard to beat for a good thing.
I have two doughs in the fridge cooling. Soon I will be rolling out cookies and candies for tomorrow's birthday party. After that, I will get a few more things in order and then I will have time to play a little more at the art table.
For your entertainment today, (for real, you about have to laugh), I am showing you a little practice piece I did last night. Practicing what?... you might say, "making a mess??". Well, you know, that is what I do most of the times, so why not again. A mess, a very fun mess.
I wanted to see how easy or hard it was to use corrugated box pieces, how it would react to being glued and mashed. I also wanted to see if I could glue on some of the packing squigglies (tree top) and if I could make them stick. It took a bit of corralling, but I got them on. πŸ˜„

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I used a wooden art panel that is 1 inch thick on the sides. It just seemed to go with the cardboard to me. Like nearly always, I glued some papers on first, this time book pages and pieces of random mail and a small bit of stenciled rice paper.


Once on I yellowed them a little with some paint and glued on my main piece of torn, corrugated box. You can see a little bit of the center between the back and front smoother pieces.


I then used a piece of the corrugated part to make a tree trunk and some brown squiggly packing paper as the top of the tree. I thought the brown wavy trunk looked a little tropical, like a coconut palm or something.


I had no direction when I started, but after the tree, I guessed it needed some flowers, so I made some with embroidery string. I don't embroidery, but I saw a pack with multiple colored string in it at Dollar General one day and it was cheap, so I grabbed it up, just in case I could use it later. I've tried to mostly de-junk my house of "things I might could use later", but it seems I have not been cured of bringing some more of it back in. It is only justified if you actually DO use it somehow later, so at least this is a start for this time. πŸ˜‚


A tree and flowers on a hill called for a house to show up somewhere. It was that or make more tress I was thinking. I added in some carboard box clouds too. I put a little white paint on them to help them stand out a little. I wasn't sure the corrugated blobs would translate to that by themselves.... but maybe they would have.


Then some birds appeared in the tree. You can't really see them that good, but they are there. I also punched circles of the same paper the birds were made of and put them as the flower centers.


I then added some random abstract pieces of the paper I used to punch out the flower centers and make the birds to the bottom because it needed something. It does not represent anything, it is just there !


A closer upper for the house after I added a hint of gold roofing. I thought it was funny that I used part of the Social Security envelope on the piece. There is a chimney on the roof, but it kind of disappears. I had to "goog" how to spell chimney. It has been so long since I spelled it, I kept trying versions like "chiminey" because that's how I say it ! LOL Who knew we threw in an extra syllable into it down here in the south.
Then I painted a little bit of "green wash" across the bottom layer and it was pretty much done.... or as done as it was going to be.


Now in black and white.... for the fun of it !


It's quite whimsical I think.... elementary, but fun. Just while I am sitting here looking at the below photo, I realize the part of the orange stencil that is behind the tree could be interpreted as the sun coming up (or going down)....and I'm thinking I could have added a little bit of yellow at the center of it, right above the horizon....
I know I said it was done, but is anything ever really done??? Sometimes I think not, we just stop and call it done and walk away.


Time to get back to the kitchen !
I hope you are all having or had a great day.
Luv ya !
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Thank you !


Thanks a bunch !

Happy birthday to your mom! My mom turned 90 last December. What a grand age!
I love seeing your creations!

Thank You !

Even though I know she is really 90, my head can hardly wrap around the thought. I'm so lucky to still have her here. There has been a lot of longevity in her family line, both on her Mother's and Father's side. She has two younger brothers, one I live next door too. The on next door is two or three years younger and the youngest brother is a couple of year younger than that. They are all still going pretty strong for their age. It's really amazing.

My mom's older brother just celebrated his 95th last week. My cousin sent me a video of him reading aloud the Robert Frost poem The Road Less Traveled. Without glasses!

Wow ! 95 and no glasses ! That is unusual AND wonderful.

Hahahaha... I had a lot of fun reading about your creative process for that masterpiece... πŸ˜ƒ First thing that I spotted was the "Social Security Penalty"... Uh-oh... πŸ˜‚

I like the final result as in the end, starting with that palm tree, it became a complex artwork with many stories!

Thanks for sharing!!

PS. I say it like "chimney", too... and if you search GIFs by that exact term, you get Mary Poppins, of course... πŸ˜ƒ


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Thank you ! It was great fun to make.

What's funny about your comment is, as I was was looking up the spelling, that song from Mary Poppins was playing through my mind ! πŸ˜„


Β 28 days agoΒ (edited)Β 

Time to get back to the kitchen? So you are also prioritizing art over the kitchen hahaha. Btw, being paid for a day off feels amazing :D

Using book pages - cool. For some days I have been thinking about using tiny parts of music scores for the rocks, though the rocks should be a bit bigger or the music scores indeed tiny, and find a way to glue them or use the music pieces differently - I will figure out what I want soon, I hope haha

I wish your mom a very happy 90th birthday tomorrow! πŸ˜‡

Oh yes, I have been prioritizing art over almost everything....LOL... I am not even glad I need to do stuff for my Mom's birthday. It is interfering with my fun ! (ok.. ok.... not really, but ...)

..and yes for book paper. Nearly anything papery is fair game. πŸ˜‚

I have an old hymnal from the church my extended family went to when I was growing up. I'm sure something out of it will end up in collage at some point, maybe sooner than later.

Thank you ! We should all be so lucky to live to 90 and still be able to take care of ourselves. She says she can't believe it either. ha ha