New year is almost there [my doodle]

in #art6 years ago

This whale doodle will bring you luck!


I wish you guys all the best in 2018! Expecting your smiles to become even bigger in the new year :)

Follow me if you want some doodles in your life



It would be nice if this brings me luck

cute whale =)

Happy new year @keepdoodling may you reach new hights on steem and friend hope our steem community grows more big !!also resteemed your post !!

happy new year to you too! :)

What a great post to end the year with wow amazing truly
Wishing you a very happy new year :D

Oh, thank you! Happy new year to you too! :)

wish you a very happy new year..may your all dreams come true in this year :)

May you be happy the whole year through. Happy New Year! @keepdoodling

And to you @keepdoodling. Happy New Year and all the best for 2018!

I'm gonna have that whale tattooed 😬

Happy new year

Thank you and good luck next year to you too!

Thank you so much :)

You asked me to let you know when Artstorm #3 started. Here is the link:

your post is so fantastic, your post is so inspiration for me and all the steemit users, I am proud of you ... I love all your posts, you are fantastic in making a post, may the victory and goodness side with your work. Thank you..

Cute <3 Aww he has a lil Santa hat : )
Keep Steemin'!

You It would be pleasant if this brings me luckiness..

Upvoted and resteemed...

so cute that looks Happy New Year

i hope everyone smiles becomes like bigger and wider :)
Happy New Year

wohoo its here 2018 wishing you all the best and Happy new year

Happy New Year such a cute little doodle of whale

this is really the best doodle Happy New Year

The lucky doodle :)
Happy New Year

God bless you wish you all the best for your new year dear :)

you doodle are the best just like you
Happy New Year

wow the doodle of whale everyone is happy to see this :)

This post is amazing
I follow you
Please follow me:)

So nice great way to wish :)
HaPpY NeW yEaR