#BeerSaturday 344 - Taste Test!

in #beersaturday4 months ago


345 weeks celebrating that blessed beverage we know as #beer on the #blockchain makes me think we are contributing to it being the worlds most popular beverage!

Being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting and chugging pints, my fridge looks like a colorful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.

This week, I am doubling up with similar beers from the same brewery for a head to head taste challenge!


Pint of the Week


The pint of the week is usually one I have on the town or in a social situation for fun. With this one, I am looking both back and forward to summer. The owner is trying to sell the restaurant that is the building this brewery is in and he is a bit of a twat so I won't even name or link them. Still, they had some interesting beers served in a bru garden with picnic tables so I hope it is going to be back this summer! Maybe the unseasonably warm weather is getting me to think about warm weather beers and we will just have snow and winter beers tomorrow.


Two-fer the First!


A few weeks ago, I noticed something slightly different about a Cowbell Brewing For a few years, they have been a preferred brewer of mine, with some of the best Hazy IPAs around. A fantastic facility with great put food and an impressive operation. A couple years ago, ownership changed and there have not been many new beers in the last while. I figured that this slight variation was a change in recipe and branding at most. How great was it to see them both in the same shelf and know I could taste them head to head as distinct beers!?

IMG_0505 (1).JPG

I still love the original and often pick up a couple for the fridge but this new one is described as a jiuced up version of the original with even more tropical fruit flavour. The difference is the Zamba Hops and which appears to be known for its citrus and tropical fruit characteristics which is fine by me!

I cracked them both like a madman and sampled them head to head. At first, a bit of an earthy taste struck me and I was leaning heavily towards the original. By the time I got through them both, I couldn't tell you which I enjoyed more, or maybe I enjoyed them both for how different they actually are. Will try this again!


Siblings the Second


I grab a Big Rig Brewery very regularly when I am not overloaded with new beers to taste and want to be safe with one I know I love. Alpha Bomb was the original and still stands up. In the summer, when I like to sprinkle a few radlers in for a nice light snack, Bongo Radler is a nice one. When they combined the 2 beers into the grapefruit IPA, it turned our excellent and I will take which ever one is available. This week, they were side by side and I had to grab 'em both.


{Bongo Bomb](https://www.bigrigdelivery.ca/products/bongo-bomb-grapefruit-radler-ipa?_pos=2&_sid=01ab49238&_ss=r) is now sold out which tells me it is probably a seasonal beer so I am glad I found it again. With a reasonable 5.4% ABV, all the hops of Alpha Bomb, and the bitterness augmented by the grapefruit, it is damn fine and I almost prefer it to the straight IPA. Adding fruit to a beer can go wrong and is just plain wrong for the purists. I know what I like and I like this beer and will pick it up again when I see it!




I think a Craft Beer hunter call might work better fir these moose. Join me, @detlev , and the other beerologists and instantly become a beer blogger at Beer Saturday 345... https://hive.blog/hive-187719/@detlev/beersaturday-345

This week for #BeerSaturday, I am would like to invite new friend @wiseagent who is a prolific @inleo poster who might like the Premium subscription for his efforts and more rewards. Take a few pictures, tag #beersaturday and raise a glass with us on Hive!

Cheers to our global family of beer-drinkers!!




Would you Grapefruit your IPA?


I haven't tried either brand. But since they're in Canada I doubt they produce for the US, they both look really good!

The first one would go well in summer indeed :)

Definitely :)

The Saturday is for enjoyment because Sunday is a holiday and man enjoys the things he likes. Cheers.

Ha... the planet isn't single use!

I have also have a very citrousy beer in the fridge at the moment... I'm not really sure if I like it or not. Almost doesn't taste like beer, more like a strange fruit dink...

I am so sure the first one will definitely taste so great

I think that first Beer will be nice
It looks good. I love the color

This will really taste so great I must confess


You must be killin' it out here!
@geneeverett just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @zekepickleman.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District


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I wasn't craving beer when I stumbled on your post but the pictures and writeup are rousing me.
You take good pictures 👍