I made my first complete Seed of Life for Luna's 7th birthday

in #birthday4 months ago (edited)


Just a quick one to say that it is Luna's birthday today and i was up late last night making this 1/4 size sacred cubit tensor ring pendant for her. It is special because it is my first welded Seed of Life and also it because it features a piece of quartz from our 'family geode' which has been attached for good measure.

In Oct last year i made this 1/2 size sacred cubit tensor ring Seed of Life pendant but i didn't know how to weld at that point so everything was held together with little pieces of copper wire and i didn't really consider it finished.

For a copper product to last a lifetime welding is essential so i put on my goggles and jumped to it.
IMG_0747 2.jpeg

All the rings were individually welded together first after which i had to work out the best way to stack the circles for welding purposes. Couldn't find any tutorials online and it was hard to hold the rings together exactly as i wanted them without the right clamps so i broke it down into sections and created two vesica picis first which sit either side of the three central circles.

My main idea with the welding was to keep it in the centre as much as possible.
IMG_1385 2.jpeg

But it ended up looking quite messy as you can see and i understand now why the people selling these on Etsy use an 8th circle around the outside, to which each smaller circle is welded.

Never to let a problem bother me i moved forward with further ideas to distract from the discolouration and after a fair bit of messing around i came up with this.

Felt good imagining it hanging on Luna's wall and in this way i knew it was finished.

So i packaged it up and went to bed.

In the morning both Esteban & Luna were excited to get out of bed early.

She has 14 presents in total, with just 5 of them as the 'before breakfast' ones.

She seemed happy with my gift but imagined it to be jewellery of some kind, in line with the other presents of the morning.

The loop isn't big enough to get her head through but she tried anyway!

My personal feeling is that it is a bit big for a necklace, but if she persists with this idea, why not?

She would not be the first person to push the boundaries of how big neckalaces should be.

The main present of the morning was inside a HUGE box!

Oh dear. Another Barbie! From her French grandfather.

Don't think i will be making any Barbie houses for this one.

Esteban was much more interested in the endless possibilities a new empty box brings with it.

A few quick snaps before school time.

And that's it.

Luna is seven years old now :)

Love & Light everyone 🌱


Happy Birthday to Luna 🎉🎂 Well, hard to "compete" with a giant Barbie doll 😉 The necklace looks nice; I'm sure Luna loves it.

She hasn't yet decided where she is going to hang it. Whereas the doll is currently sleeping in her bed right along side her! Which i must admit feels a bit odd.

The weather has been crazy warm recently so we've been working on creating our first mulch mound in preparation for a hot summer with continued water restrictions. Who knows, it may also be a summer without the usual food in the shops as the farmers all seem very busy blocking roads everywhere. Even here in the smaller villages now. They seem desperate, like this is their last hope before bankruptcy.

Yeah, just want to make sure we have the food situation covered. Prices are going up so fast and i look forward to the day when we don't need shops any more!

Yeah, sounds a bit odd simply bc it's such a huge doll. Never seen them in that size thus far.

In regards to the farmers, I guess we've only seen the tip of the iceberg. I expect things to get wilder come May/June. Anyways 2024 is a year chuck full with changes, possibilities and opportunities 😊 It's all a perspectives' game in the end.

Wow, there's a lot of love in this publication. I love it!

Your welding skills are really good. At least I think so because I don't know anything about it haha! But it's a skill I'd love to have.

Your welding glasses give you a stylish fly look 🪰😜

Your kids are lucky to have you. Bravo to you, once again

Appreciate you saying that about my welding skills but i am very much still learning. Experimenting with different flame sizes and techniques to find the best way for each situation. The goggles do look quite cool though ;)

Have a great weekend!

I don't know a thing about soldering, the only time I've ever soldered anything was at school and it was small-scale soldering (on electronics). So I wouldn't know a beginner from an expert. But I do know that it's a very good skill to learn, because it's really very useful!

Congratz with your beautiful ( not so ) little girl.
I am sure it would look great on her as a necklace,
unlike jewelry on a PIMP ;<)

Sending a hug from my new place in Portugal, where I am back to off-grid living.

It blows my mind that it has been seven years already since her birth.

Her party is in a week and i must now dust off the magic tricks for another show!

New place hey? This sounds great Vincent. Am really happy for you.

What an awesome Summer it is going to be!

Enjoy those off grid vibes :)

Happy birthday Luna! Bet she loved the ring pendant. I’ve never seen such a large doll! Hope the rest of her day was lovely.

Luna & i hung the pendant above her bed so that it may be next to her while she sleeps.

There is a chance perhaps it is already doing its work as Luna has been covered in red spots since her birthday. The school tell us that scarlet fever is going around and this is what it is, yet for some reason Luna has zero symptoms, other than the rash. She spent the day at home with me yesterday but complained all day she wished she was at school! So, today she will go. If the school will accept her! Feels rather like she does have something which could be termed 'a problem' but is experiencing the illness is a very mild manner. Could this be the effect of the pendant???

Her birthday party isn't for another week, so she should be alright by then. And i still have time to put a magic show together for the children...

Your kids are looking wonderful Sam - time flies doesn't it ? How lucky they are to have parents like you guys - and Barbie almost as tall as Luna - keen to see what Esteban is going to do with the box

Ah hello there! Feels like ages since i last saw you.

How you doing? Are you still using Whaleshares?

Time really does fly. Particularly i think when one has children. I remember so clearly the post i wrote on this very platform, on the day of Luna's birth. And now she is seven!

The doll has been freaking me out when i am alone in the house! Keep seeing it in the corner of my eye when i am not expecting it and it has made me jump a few times ;)

Esteban's new box is waiting for colder weather. For now the spring seems here already and we are outside on our land at every opportunity, getting ready for a busy year of food production...

Yes, it has been a while since we chatted.
Whaleshares has gone of the grid and I believe they are trying to restore it.
I can imagine the doll freaking you out. We have a coat stand in our living room and that has freaked me out a few times.
Looking forward to seeing what Esteban does with the box haha.

Eden continues to do well with her music and hit 4M streams on Spotify recently - Her next goal to reach 10M. In the meantime she had another No 1 in South Africa with a re-mix she did and now she has a valentine day song coming out next week. Are you on spotify Sam?

Hey cuddlekitten.

Are you available next week for Luna's birthday party?

Think she would love you!